Ch. 2

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Beep.. Beep..

I groan quietly, looking at the alarm clock with one eye. The clock flashes 8:32 am, I rub my eyes and turn off the annoying alarm. There's a knock at the door, I sit up and cross my legs.

"Come in." I say, I raise my arms over my head stretching. Hanji swings open the door, That boy is coming soon!" I hiss at how loud her voice is.

"Calm down, Hanji. I just woke up." I ruffle my hair, Hanji leans on the door frame. "I can tell." She looks at my shirtless body, I scoff and stand up. "Get dressed!" Hanji yells.

"Oh my god, Hanji! Shut the hell up!" I yell louder. She giggles and shuts the door behind her on her way out. I wobble walking to dresser, I turn My Chemical Romance on the stereo.

I pull out the drawer, pulling out clothes. I change me clothes but while doing so I notice they have put another bed in the room. I sigh, sliding on a sweatshirt.

There's another knock at the door as I fix my hair from the mess it was. "Come in." I say, hoping it's not Hanji. "Uh? Um.. Hello?" A voice says softly.

I flinch, walking out from the bathroom I turn off the light and shut the door. I look at the person at the door, the boy from yesterday stands in the room.

He looks around, I slightly smile and say hello. He jumps and quickly apologizes, "Why are you apologizing?" I laugh, he blushes slightly and shrugs.

"I'm Levi." I say nicely. "Eren." He says, he looks at the stereo quietly playing music. "My Chemical Romance?" He asks, I nod.

"Yeah." I say, putting my hands in my jean pockets. Two other people walk in the room, I suppose are his parents. I quietly slip out of the room, I let them have time.

I remember how hard it was for my mom to leave me here. "Levi!" I turn on my heels and look at the owner of the voice calling my name.

Petra runs down the hallway smiling, she launches herself in my arms. My eyes widen in surprise as I end up with her in my arms.

"Aren't you happy?" She asks. "About what?" I say, questioning her in return. "About Eren. He's real sweet." She says looking at Eren with his parents.

"Not really." I answer, she glances at me. "What do you mean, Levi? That's harsh." I smile, shaking my head.

"I'm not happy because it means," Petra looks at me. "One more sick teen. And that is more than needed. " I say quietly.

Petra let's out a little oh and crosses her arms in disappointment. I understand why, they have been looking at all the positive things of Eren coming but in fact it's a sad thing.

Hanji appears at my side, looking down. "I was right." She says quietly.

"About?" Petra asks looking at Hanji with sad eyes. "Eren. He has lung cancer," I remember him wheeling a bag behind with an oxygen tank in it.

I guess I used to seeing Hanji with a nasal cannula that I didn't notice Eren had one. Eren's parents leave the room, his mom crying as his dad comforts her.

They walk the doctor, I look at Hanji and Petra then walk into my room. Eren sits on the bed with tears in his eyes, he's rectangular glasses fog up.

He takes them off the wipes, sniffling. "I know it's hard.. I went through the same." I stand by his bed. He slide the glasses back on his face, he looks at me with big, watery, green eyes.

His brow scrunches and begins to cry more, I reach to touch his back. I barely touch his back when he hugs me, tightly. He lays his head on my shoulder crying a little louder, I wrap my arms around him, putting him in my embrace.

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