Ch. 3

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I rub my eyes and message the bridge of my nose. I look at the clock and see Eren, the clock flashes 11:58 am. I stretch out my arms and my back arches, Eren groans and shifts around.

I carefully sink back down on the bed, Eren lays his head on my shoulder and puts his leg on my waist. I look at him and smile, I gently graze my hand through his hair.

When the door opens quickly, I look at the door and see Hanji. "Lev-" She starts, I narrow my eyes and tell her to be quiet.

She nods sternly, giving me a thumbs up, she shuts the door quietly. I sigh and shake my head in disappointment, Eren groans and rubs his eyes. "Levi?" His voice raspy from first waking up is adorable.

"Yeah." I reassure him that it's me, he smiles and snuggles in my side. "We are going to have to get up soon." I say quietly. "I know, just not yet." He says smiling. I smile, running my fingers through his hair, Eren grabs his glasses off the dresser beside the dresser and slides them on.

He looks at me with big eyes, I smile and a shade of red covers his face. I chuckle as Eren hides his face in his sweater, Eren pulls his leg off me and hops off the bed. I look at him, his messy hair, his tan skin, his green eyes.

Eren adjusts the tube around his face, Mike walks through the door and both Eren and I look at him. "Sorry but Levi, Pixis says that we're switching you to IVs." Eren looks from Mike to me, I look at Eren and pry my eyes away from the gaze.

"O-Okay." I say, Mike walks to my bed. "They want me to put it in now." Mike says, I nod. "U-uh?" Eren stutters, Mike looks at Eren. "Yes, Eren?" Eren looks down, he clinches his sweater in his hand.

"Do you mind if I do my chemo at the same time? I mean, you are already doing Levi's, so it would make sense to get mine out of the way, right?" Eren says, Mike shrugs.

"I suppose so. I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Mike hands us robes and tell us to put them on and he'll wait outside the room.

Eren sighs, he takes off his nasal cannula and lies it on the bed. He slides off his sweater, I turn around as heat rises to my cheeks. Looking at the robe, I sigh and strip.

I slide on the robe, that's has a light teal tint on the outside, that always caught my eye. I grab my phone off the charger and turn it on, a letter shape notification blinks at the top of the screen.

Looking at the text message, I sigh. It's mom, she's out of town so she's constantly checking in. I text her back saying I'm fine, everything is going good.

Seconds later she responds, she says good and she loves me. I don't bother texting back, it's not rude she understands. Mike comes in with two fluid bags with red clear liquid in them, Eren plops down on my bed next to me.

I don't mind and smile at him, he smiles hesitantly. I look at him, "You alright? You look pale." I state, Eren shakes his head no, frantically.

"What's wrong?" I ask, he looks at Mike then back at me. "Never been keen in needles." He chuckles nervously.

"Who wants to go first?" Mike asks, I volunteer and scoot to the end of the bed. "I'm putting it in your thigh." He says, I nod and look at Eren. I feel the needle touch my skin and push in, I smile at Eren as he becomes more pale.

Mike secures the IV with a grey bandage, I sit next to Eren. Eren grabs the bed and squeezes his eyes shut as Mike puts the needle in, Eren flinches.

Mike says he's done and Eren opens his eyes, Eren shudders and tries not to look at it. "That wasn't so bad." I say with a smile as I realize Eren grips my hand.

I look at his hand and he pulls it away. "I'm sorry. " He smiles blushing. I slightly blush, I grab his hand and smile. "It's okay." Eren takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.

I hear Mike slip out of the room, I lay back on the bed, Eren lies his head on my chest. Eren's scents is sweet and doesn't smell like hospital, I close my eyes as Eren picks up my hand and intertwines our fingers.

This doesn't seem weird or strange, I met this boy yesterday and we've already slept in the same bed.

I look at our hands, Eren's hand is soft and silky to the touch. A smile slides upon my face, I sigh in happiness. "I've never," Eren starts.

"I've never dated someone or held hands with anyone besides my best friend or mom. I've never really had the time to fall in love." I look at him.

"Me either, Eren." He squeezes my hand. "I don't know if I falling for you or not. It might be because I've never been in love or just because I really like you." Eren's voice is shallow and quiet.

"But if I am falling for you, I feel like I'm falling to fast. Like if I just dive in, I'll drown." I stay quiet, honestly, I understand.

I've never been on a date or could say 'Hey that's my boyfriend!' I haven't had time for that, leukemia was my mate. Leukemia was also my worse friend, I couldn't go anywhere or do anything.

It was a never ending hallway, just laughing at you, taunting you. "I get it, Eren. I understand the feeling you're getting." I just give a simple answer, I hold Eren's hand.

I admire him, I adore him, I feel like we've met before or like I've seen him before. Eren fixes his glasses, he still grips my hand. "How about we take it slow?" I say.

'Did I just ask him out?' Eren sits up quickly, I look at him as I sit up. "That's the thing I don't want to. I want you now," Eren shrugs.

"I don't get it, I want you now. I want you forever, I don't understand it. It's like I'm dying just to touch you every second of my pointless life. I can't live without you, you've helped me so much already. I want to help you and I want your help always." Eren looks down, he pushes his glasses on his head.

The glasses pull back his hair, exposing more of his forehead. I smile as I lean forward and place a kiss on his forehead.

"Then you can have me." I place my forehead on Eren's, leaving my hand on his cheek and gently rub my thumb against his soft skin.

"You can have me, Eren." I say as our lips touch.

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