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A few weeks later

Kim was looking fondly at Macau who was inside his recording booth as he sang their song

Once Macau was done, Kim spoke through the mic "Alright time to rest your voice hm" he suggested as Macau nods and steps out with a happy sigh
"I can't believe this is going so smoothly"

Kim ruffles his hair playfully "you're a fast learner cau"

Macau grins "I had the best teacher" he winks causing kim to slightly malfunction then roll his eyes

Just then Macau's stomach rumbled causing them to slightly laugh

Kim grabbed Macau's hand "common, I know somewhere we can go" he said as he leads the way

As they got to the balcony on the roof, Macau's eyes widen in awe "no way, so pretty"

The rooftop was designed in a fancy way with light streamed from the top and decors everywhere

Kim shrugs "it's nice but no one's ever been up here but me, I normally come up to relax really"

Macau stared in awe as he walked to the table in the middle and sat on the chair "it should be a restaurant up here phi" he exclaimed

Kim laugh "it should be but for now it's my special place" he looks at Macau fondly

Macau turns to look at Kim who was staring "am I the only one you took up here"

Kim nodded "yea you are actually"

"Hmm should've known with your cold aura and all" Macau teased  making Kim playfully roll his eyes

"You're lucky I even brought you up here" Kim playfully kicked his ankle

Macau laughs "thenn why did you, I mean last I check you rather get bitten by a snake then be seen with me" he questioned

Kim leans in as he took in Macau, admiring everything as he didn't know how he didn't see all this before

In Kim's mind, he's wondering if this is what's love really like

Macau never went away no matter how many time he told him to
Macau never left him now matter how many times he been pushed away

He was just here

And Kim just -

Before Kim could finish his thoughts, Macau was trying to snap him out of it "helloooo, you in there" he jokes leaning in

Kim grins then shrugs "you're just..... different" he sighed

Macau stared back shocked then he blushed "I um- I think we should get back to the studio"

Kim laughed as his stuttering "but our food is ready" he said as he went to pay the delivery guy

Macau just watch him shocked as Kim came to set up their plates and look at Macau happily "eat well cau" he smiles before sitting down

Picking up his fork and spoon, Macau blushed into his food " you too p'kim"

Kim looks at Macau as he eats "so Taiwan huh, I heard vegas was able to get you in"

Macau nods "it's gonna be awesome, me and hia are gonna go sight seeing for a bit after I graduate" then he starts to ramble on about the university in Taiwan as Kim look at him with a fond look in his eyes

But deep down Kim didn't want Macau to leave
But if you love someone then you gotta let them go right

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