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The next day

Macau sat in Kim's cozy room, the soft afternoon light filtering through the curtains. The familiar scent of wood and guitar polish filled the air. He held the guitar Kim had given him, his fingers still fumbling over the strings.

Kim’s voice was calm and patient, “Alright, Macau, let’s start with the G chord again. Remember how I showed you?”

Macau watched as Kim expertly placed his fingers on the fretboard, his movements fluid and confident. “Like this?” Macau attempted to mimic the position but felt his fingers stumble.

Kim leaned in closer, his presence warm and reassuring. “Almost, just move your index finger a bit higher.” He gently adjusted Macau’s fingers, their hands brushing slightly. The touch sent a shiver down Macau’s spine.

“Now try strumming,” Kim encouraged.

Macau strummed the strings, producing a clearer sound than before. He couldn’t help but smile, a mix of pride and something deeper. “It sounds better.”

“See? You’re getting it,” Kim said, his smile lighting up his face. Macau’s heart skipped a beat. “Let’s try another chord. Watch my fingers for the C major.”

As Kim demonstrated, Macau’s eyes lingered on his cousin’s hands, then his eyes. There was something mesmerizing about the way Kim moved, the way he spoke. The lessons were becoming more than just about the guitar.

They practiced together, Kim’s patience never wavering. Every touch, every word of encouragement, felt charged with an energy Macau couldn’t quite describe. As the evening progressed, they worked on transitioning between chords.

“Let’s try putting these together,” Kim suggested. “Switch from G to C.”

Macau nodded, concentrating hard. He fumbled a bit but managed to make the transition smoother with each attempt. Kim’s praise was a balm to his nerves. “You’re doing great, Macau.”

“Thanks, Kim. I couldn’t do this without you,” Macau replied, his voice soft.

After a while, they began to play a simple tune together. The harmony of their guitars filled the room, but it was the moments of silence in between that spoke volumes. Macau glanced at Kim, catching his gaze. There was something unspoken but deeply understood in that look.

Kim broke the silence, his voice tender. “I really enjoy these moments with you, Macau.”

Macau’s heart pounded. “Me too, Kim. More than you know.”

Their hands met again as Kim helped adjust his grip. This time, neither pulled away quickly. The touch lingered, warm and intimate. Macau felt a blush rise to his cheeks, but he didn’t look away.

“Let’s take a break,” Kim suggested, his voice soft. “You must be tired.”

“A little,” Macau admitted, flexing his fingers. “But it’s worth it.”

Kim chuckled, a warm, comforting sound. “How about we grab something to drink?”

They moved to the kitchen, their fingers still intertwined. The air between them was charged with unspoken words, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. Kim poured them both a glass of water, handing one to Macau with a smile.

“Thanks,” Macau said, taking a sip. “I really enjoy these lessons, Kim. They mean a lot to me.”

Kim’s eyes softened. “They mean a lot to me too, Macau. It’s nice to share something I love with you.”

They stood in the kitchen, the room filled with a comfortable silence. Macau felt a warmth spreading through him, a sense of belonging and connection he had never felt before other than the warmth his hia gave him.

“I was thinking,” Kim began, breaking the silence. “Maybe we could try writing our own song together? You know for the thing”

Macau’s eyes lit up. “That sounds amazing! I’d love that.”

Kim’s smile widened. “Great! We can start with some simple chords and see where it takes us.”

They returned to Kim’s room, guitars in hand, and began brainstorming ideas. Their conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and creativity. As they worked on the song, their bond grew even deeper, each note, each chord, bringing them closer together.

Hours passed, and the room grew darker as night fell. They had created a beautiful melody, a blend of their hearts and souls. Macau looked at Kim, his eyes reflecting the same joy and excitement he felt.

“This is incredible,” Macau said, his voice filled with awe. “I can’t believe we made this.”

Kim’s gaze softened, filled with affection. “We make a great team, Macau.”

They sat in the dimly lit room, their guitars resting beside them. The silence between them was filled with unspoken emotions, a deep connection that needed no words. Macau felt a sense of contentment and hope, knowing that this was just the beginning of something wonderful.

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