NYL Side story 1

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*side story cause I'm going too fast with the main plot*

Vegas left the two boys alone and started to talk towards his office when all of the sudden he grunts due to a sudden back hug

He tries to shrug kinn off as he looks around
"Kinnn someone could see us" he complained

But kinn smirks as he whispered in his ear "good thing we are in a hidden space"

Vegas rolls his eyes as he turns to face kinn who still has him in his arms "we can still get caught you know" He touched kinn With his index finger 

Kinn rolls his eyes and held him tightly as he pouted "but I missed you, we been so busy" he defended

Vegas chuckled then leads kinn to his room "with almost everyone out of the house, I guess we can stick together for a bit" he smirked

Kinn smirks as he made his move but then Vegas stopped him "we can still get walked in on, I meant cuddle" he gave a look

Defeated kinn groans "finee but you owe me" he demands as he lay on the bed

Vegas laughs as he lays on kinn "i know ter"

Kinn and vegas are a duo not to mess with, they can get jealous and possessive easily but somehow that turns eachother on

Well don't ask

They been together longer than the family fued
Their relationship was so well hidden that not even nosy kim noticed anything between the two

Kim has his own love problems to work on right now, which is why the two older ones are not paying any attention to their nongs

Especially when they can walk in any moment

Vegas stares at the wall blankly as kinn runs his fingers through his hair
Vegas shifts a little to look up at kinn "do you think somethings happing with kim and Macau"

Kinn hums then shook his head "not that I know of but at least they are kinda getting along right" he said but with a tone uncertain

Vegas nods "good they need to get along, I think those two needs eachother" he crosses his arms with a fond look
Kinn looks down, fingers paused in Vegas hair "you think so" he questioned confused

With a determined look, vegas nods "I know so" he sighed leaning into the comfort of kinn and taking it in before they both have to do mafia stuff in a half hour

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