Everyone has a different perspective or description of what gray is supposed to symbolize.
Some associate the color gray with sadness, emptiness, bland and dry without anything.
No color, no detail, no definition, no uniqueness, just gray.
Gray isn't just blandness and sadness,
Gray is a mixture
Gray is the mixture between black and white
Gray is reading between the lines
Gray is looking beyond the cover
Gray is not judging a book by its cover
Gray may be just a backup to black and white but that doesn't make it just as special
Gray gives detail
Gray gives uniqueness and formation
Gray gives clarification on what's black and whats white
Gray gives insight on the deeper meaning
So yes gray may be seen as the dull and gloomy color that many use it for but gray is so much more then just what is seen by itself
Like people colors have multiple layers and definitions, gray being not sadness and emptiness but embodying inner beauty