Act 1 Scene 2

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There wouldn't ever be a place to have these feelings. None that he could ever think of. Would he see these men again? Possibly. Would it just be another quarrel? Probably. He thought it would be best to leave right now, he knew these men felt the same. Perhaps they would discuss it later. But not now. Definitely not now.

Tybalt shakes his thoughts off. "I just wanted to maketh sure all the guests art enjoying the party. Has't a wonderful night gentlemen!" He raises his glass at Mercutio and winks at Benvolio. He walks away smiling through his mask.

"Wow. Forgive me Mercutio, but that gent is very hot," Benvolio blurts after Tybalt is far from hearing distance. His eyes are dreaming of Tybalt. Very unlike men those days, unless you were a king.

"Benvolio thee fool! Thee must beest a king to has't that kind of relationship. I bethink..." Mercutio spat. His eyes wander the ballroom full of people in gowns and masks. "We art from a higher class. Maybe 't wouldn't beest that lacking valor," He muttered to himself.

"We?? Mercutio... Us? We?? What doth thee mean?" Benvolio stuttered immensely. He thought for quite a long second. One hand holding his glass and one raking through his luscious locks on his head. "Mercutio... doth thee mean thee and I?"

"Forget what I hath said... Benvolio, not hither please," He looks down at his drink in shame.

"Right," Benvolio turns away as his face turns red. Once again. Was he the other appearing in his fantasies? He thought of his cousin, Romeo. How he longed to be like Romeo. Charming, handsome, loyal, enough to make a girl like him. Qualities also found in Mercutio and Tybalt. But he knew that would never happen. Not now. Not ever.

Perhaps Benvolio would find a girl in the future. A pretty, kind, funny girl. Someone he could love openly. Someone he could marry. Maybe start a family with. But did Benvolio really want this? Mercutio or Tybalt? Was it only a standard set by society to keep family bloodlines going? Perhaps it was. Most people only sought to build a legacy, something for their children to continue, and their children's children, and their children after that. So on and so forth.

It was all so stupid. So pointless. Why couldn't people just live their lives how they wanted? It was just a time where living for love wasn't real. You lived to have children and continue the family legacy and not ruin it.

Mercutio could only think about how the House of Escalus would react. How would Paris react? And his family? He couldn't go on with this. Knowing Benvolio knew was too far. Knowing Tybalt knew was even worse. How could he? How could he do this to his legacy?

Mercutio was never a man to think that much of that sort of thing. But he longed for this. He hid his feelings, he always did. Unlike Benvolio, who always poured just the right amount of feelings. And definitely not like Romeo, who was a waterfall. He hated love. Almost as much as the house of Capulet. But none can truly hate love. Can they?

Oh Romeo. That Romeo. That girl. That girl with Romeo. Who was she? Was he making friends? Lovers? Finding a new love other than Rosaline? Finally! Just as Benvolio and Mercutio had planned all along. He was a proud friend. Where would Benvolio and Mercutio find Romeo tomorrow. Hopefully a man who has found love. Perhaps in the sheets.


"Thus have my lips, by thine, my sin is purged," Romeo whispered.

"Then have my lips, the sin that they have took."

"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again!" Romeo and Juliet kiss again. Their lips locking. Forgetting the world around them. Love. Such a sin. Such a beauty. Lovers acting on love is wonderous and dangerous. Love is fire and ice. Love is ugly and stunning. Such a gift. Such a loss.

"You kiss by th' book," Juliet replied. The two lovers had met just 30 minutes before. In love. Very much like how the three men felt before, yet they could act on their feelings. Although each of them longed to.

Should they act?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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