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Disclaimer → This story contains angst.

This is fully fictional, it has nothing to do with the idols lives. If you feel uncomfortable, you may leave.

Seoul, South Korea

Choi Beomgyu, The fiance of Kang Taehyun was sitting in his garden looking at the sky. Recently, he have been feeling like something was wrong. He loves Taehyun, but... It aches his heart that he loves Taehyun. Why?

Since Beomgyu was a child, he used to have nightmares. When his father took him to some wizards, he got to know that it was related to his past life. But what happened that now he is marrying Kang Taehyun?

To be Honest, Beomgyu never believed that there was something like reincarnation he was always thought it to be just some kind of rumours. Why? Because he never met anyone, he never believed things he didn't saw.

"Why's the sky so beautiful today? Looks like someone's going to meet their love" He said

Yes, He believed that whenever the sky is very beautiful somewhere in the world two lovers meet.

He thought to take a walk outside so, He stood up and went outside. While He was walking, He saw someone running to him and before he could react they both already bumped into eachother resulting in both of them falling on the ground.

"Oh I am really sorry. Are you hurt somewhere?" The boy asked and Beomgyu opened his eyes. The moment he looked in those eyes, he felt a sudden wave of Nostalgia or Deja Vu.

" Prince Calm Down, It's alright"

"Beomgyu run! It's not safe here! Run Beomgyu, run for me!"

" No prince I will not leave you here alone."

"Kai! Nooooo"

"Farewell, My Love"

Beomgyu felt himself losing his conscious and everything went black..

Years ago, In the kingdom of Amber

"Prince Beomgyu!"

Prince Beomgyu, The youngest prince of Kingdom Amber fought the enemies in a swift motion. And soon, No one was left.

"Beomgyu, You okay?" Taehyun, his cousin asked and he nodded.

" He is but won't be anymore" They both turned at the voice to see , The prince of Slvenia Huening Kai. Beomgyu felt his heart stop the moment he saw him.

"What happened, Prince Beomgyu? Already tired?" Kai asked smirking while Beomgyu, well, the boy could only hear Kai saying his name.

"He says my name so perfectly"
He thought

"Oh oh looks like the prince is too much busy today, isn't he?" Kai asked and Beomgyu Snapped out of his dreamland.

"What do you want?" He asked and Kai chuckled " Simple, I want YOU" Beomgyu felt his heart skip abit.

"At first I thought to kill you but after seeing you, I changed my mind" He said and immediately grabbed Beomgyu's wrist dragging him.

The guards of Slvenia stopped the other while Beomgyu was still processing what's happening. Soon, He was thrown on the golden colour horse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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