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"Hyung, I have something to talk to you about!!" Jimin said coming to Namjoon's room. Namjoon was a little surprised but said "What happened?  Got a problem?!"

"Regarding Taehyung, I have something to tell you!!"  Jimin said in a serious manner.  Namjoon raised an eyebrow "What happened to Taehyung?!"   Jimin took a deep breath "he's fine, I think Jeongguk loves him!! I don't have a problem with Jeongguk loving him but I don't find him innocent as much as I think he's innocent!!" 

Namjoon asked confused again "Tell me the whole thing or else I can't understand!!" "I want to take some tests on Taehyung, if he passes I won't have any doubts!!"  Jimin said seriously again.

Namjoon worried "Is this going to be okay?! Won't it be the opposite??"
"Trust me hyung, everything will be fine!!” Jimin assured Namjoon and walked away.


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"Today I will cook for everyone!!  Taehyung you'll have lunch with us today!!” As soon as Jimin said that, Taehyung innocently looked at him and said “But?!”

"No but you have to eat with us today!! gguk you convince Taehyung!!"  Jimin looked at Jeongguk and said.

"When Jimim says you have lunch with us today!!" Jeongguk said coldly. Taehyung blushed and shyly said "Okay!!"

"Yes you sit here, Jimin is bringing food for everyone!!” Jin slowly sat on the chair with Namjoon's support and Taehyung sat next to him

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"Yes you sit here, Jimin is bringing food for everyone!!” Jin slowly sat on the chair with Namjoon's support and Taehyung sat next to him.


Today is the holiday of all the maids, only Taehyung was there.  So Jimin is now all alone in the kitchen.

Jimin came into his original form and with his left fingernail, a small cut on his right finger, spilled a drop of blood into Taehyung's food

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Jimin came into his original form and with his left fingernail, a small cut on his right finger, spilled a drop of blood into Taehyung's food.  Jimin smirked "I put this blood in your food with a spell here, if you're innocent you won't feel a thing but if what I'm thinking is happening you'll get so much scald that you'll feel your whole face burning." 

Jimin went to the dining table with a sweet smile on his lips and served the dishes one by one.

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"This meal is for you Taehyungie, you've been cooking us so well these past few days, so I've cooked for you to your heart's content!!" Taehyung jumped happily seeing his favorite meal and said, "Thank you, I'm very happy today

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"This meal is for you Taehyungie, you've been cooking us so well these past few days, so I've cooked for you to your heart's content!!" Taehyung jumped happily seeing his favorite meal and said, "Thank you, I'm very happy today.  !!” and Jeongguk chuckled seeing Taehyung's cuteness.

Seeing Jeongguk's smile, everyone there raised their eyebrows and looked at Jeongguk.  Jeongguk faked a cough and coldly said "Eat your food or the food will get cold!!"

Everyone nodded and started eating.  Everyone finished eating, but Jimin was surprised to see how Taehyung could tolerate the spicy food.  Jimin looked at Namjoon and whispered "Understand something?!"  Namjoon whispered "That's how I realized Taehyung is such an innocent kid!!"

"I understand too but!!"  Namjoon left before Jimin could finish his sentence. "My heart doesn't agree, I keep feeling like there's something wrong that I can't see but it's happening!!"  Jimin said worriedly.

Jimin was walking away when Yoongi suddenly grabbed his hand and whispered "I'm sensing a black energy that's freaking strong! I've been seeing this aura ever since everyone walked into the living room after our meal!!"

Jimin and Yoongi looked at each other worriedly.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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