Author's note (Factfile about Samantha)

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Helloooo people who read this,

I don't think I've actually descriped Sam properly, I've only writen little bits about her so I'll just do a Factfile about sam here 

Character Name / Nicknames / Aliases: Samantha, Sam, Sammi 

Race: Cat Demon

Birth Date: (Don't think Demons have birthdays) but 27th October

Residence:Phantomhive estate and the undertaker's shop

Height:5ft 9in


Style: Male attire or short shirts and corsets

Hair Colour : Silver, Black in demon form

Hair Length: Waist length 

Eye Color:Crimson red

Jewelry: Silver chain necklace 

General Appearance: She will typicaly wear shirts and trousers with a waist coat, and She will have some form of weapong on her person at all times.

Key Friends:Undertaker, Sebastian Michaelis , Ciel Phantomhive, Finnian , Grell Sutcliff

Key Enemies: Claude Faustus 

Work History: Slave to Claude Faustus 

Skills: Combat, dance, Piano, Art and making snide comments about a certain butler.

Phobias / Fears:None

Favorite Human food: PastaFavorite Colour:Black and grey.

Favorite animals:Cat, Fox and Demon hounds

Favorite Weapon: Silver Spanish sabre 

Commonly Used Words : NO

Favorite threat: "I will rip out your intestines and strangle you with them"

Dirty Little Secret: Pfft like I'll tell you that, Read on to find it out Mwahahaahah ;) 


So that is some info about Samantha 


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