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By now it is 10.30pm and we are all still sat around my pool, everyone except Lucky.

Wait, where's Lucky?

I panic and run into the house to see if he's there

After searching the house for him and having no luck finding him, I come across his iPhone. He must have left it when we went to the beach

It wouldn't hurt to just take a look, right?

Luckily I know his passcode by heart...

I open his messages and one jumps out at me

It reads
"Meet me at the skate park in Venice, be there or you're dead. Don't forget the stuff"
The number wasn't saved

"Guys" I shout to my friends, them all running into my direction

"What's up?" Jack G frowns

"Read this" I pass him Lucky's phone

"Shit, I didn't even know he was in Venice today" Matt says after reading the message too

"I dropped him off at the beach when we went, he must have went straight there" I take a seat, thinking of what to do

"What am I supposed to do? My parents are away and I've lost my brother" I pull at my hair

"Have you tried calling the number?" Nash's voice causes me to look up at his blue eyes

"No, is that even a good idea?" I ask, as I re-read the message

"I'll do it" Matt blurts

I hand him the phone and seconds later Matt is dialling the number and putting it on speaker

"Hello?" I hear a male answer

"Um, who is this?" Matt asks

"Dude, you called me. Oh and by the way I know this is Lucky's phone, I have caller ID" he sniggers

"Where is he?" Matt ignores him

"And why would I tell you that?" The guy laughs, again

"Listen, I don't know what you have done to my brother but I swear to god, you better tell me where he is" I say after taking the phone off of Matt

"Oh hi Alice" his words causing a shiver down my back

"I don't know who you are but please just tell me where my brother is" I plead

He huffs

"Venice beach, tell your brother to watch his back" he says before the line goes dead

"Let's go" I say running towards my car with everyone following

I stop in my tracks and look at Nash

"You don't have to come if you don't want to, or you have to be home" I say, causing him to clench his jaw

"No, I'm coming" he says, sitting in the passenger seat

The drive to Venice was silent, everyone seemed so deep in thought.
It only took me twenty five minutes to get there, I may have speeded a little.

I park the car and just sit there for a minute, everyone just looking at me

"What if he's, you know" I feel my eyes gloss with water

"He'll be fine, come on" Nash puts his hand on my shoulder

I open my car door and run towards the beach

I see someone in the distance dragging someone else from the water

I run faster,

As I get closer to them I realize who it is

"Sammy?!" I cry, not even fazed by the fact I'm completely out of breath

I look down to my twin brother

His face all bloody and bruised, not forgetting the fact that he is soaked and unconscious

"I was driving home from the airport when I noticed someone laying by the shore" he looks at me with a worried expression

"We need to get him to the hospital" I cry, feeling my heart beat increase

"The ambulance is on its way, I was just about to call you" Sam says laying Lucky on his side

Minutes later I was surrounded by my friends, them all just looking at me holding my unconscious brother, watching me cry

None of them knowing what to say.

I hear the ambulance getting closer, they must be here

Everything from then happened in slow motion

The paramedics running towards us,

them putting him on a stretcher,

taking him away in the ambulance,

sitting next to him on the drive to the hospital.

I hadn't even realized my friends were no longer with me, I don't even remember getting in the ambulance

How could I let this happen?

Before I knew it they were taking him out of the ambulance and into the hospital, me running back to my brothers side

"Miss, you can't come any further. You need to stay in the waiting room" the nurse says before walking through the white doors

I feel another tear fall down my cheek

"Ali" I hear Amanda

I run to her and hug her, crying to my best friend.


We've been sitting here for an hour and I've still not heard anything.

"Are you family of Lucky Blue Smith?" I hear a woman say, causing me to look up at her

"Yes" I stand up

"He's conscious" the woman says, causing me to start crying again, but happy tears instead

I cry a lot, wow

"Can we see him?" I ask

"Sure, he's pretty tired right now though" the woman gives me a sympathetic smile

Well no shit, it's 12.30am


After I visited Lucky we decided we should all head home

"Do you want us to stay the night? So you're not alone" Sam asks

"No it's okay, I'll be fine" I say shutting my car door

"Y'know Ali, it wasn't really a question" Sam chuckles

"You don't have to, seriously" I smile back at my friends

"We want to" Nash smiles, showing me his perfectly white teeth

"Fineee" I blush as I turn the radio on

One of my favorite songs starts playing

Drake- Just hold on, we're going home

"Turn it up" Jack J says

I'm so lucky to have these people in my life, even if I did just meet one of them.

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