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April 1st 2014

"Alice, hurry up!" My best friend Amanda shouts from my car

"Where you going?" My twin brother, Lucky asks me as I run out of my room

"The beach, wanna come?" I ask grabbing my sunglasses

"Sure" he replies

Although Lucky is my brother, he is also one of my best friends, as well as Mandy, Sammy, Jack, Jack, Matt and Maddi.

I've always kept my group of friends small, what's the point in being friends with people who you don't trust.

"Oh by the way Ali, I'm going New York this weekend" Lucky shouts over my car music

Lucky is a model, I've been told that I should follow in my brothers footsteps, I guess I just want to concentrate on other things right now.

Venice beach is my favorite place, being here just makes me feel free from everything...and I'm not just talking about the drugs

"Alice!" Jack shouts from the water

I pull up my wetsuit and run towards the water

"I've missed you" Jack says as I get closer to him

"Calm down Gilinsky, I've been gone 3 days" I splash him

"Hey, that was uncalled for" he pouts his lip like a child

"Hit me" I smirk

Just as I begin paddling towards the wave I notice a boy swimmer far out for the wave

"Yo, what is he doing?" I stop

"I don't know" Jack replies with concern in his voice

I watch closely as the boy gets ready to stand on his board but slips and goes under the water

"Jack, we need to help him" I begin swimming as fast as I can to where the boy went under with Jack following me

"I can't see him" I start to panic

"There he is" Jack points towards the boy gasping for air

We get to him and Jack rests him in his arms as we hurry back to shore

"Call 911" I shout to Mandy

"No, it's fine" the boy tries to speak

The more I look at him the more attractive he looks. He has piercing blue eyes and dark brown hair.

"What's your name?" Jack J asks the boy

"Nash" he replies trying to sit up

"Do you not know how to swim Nash?" Jack G asks with a laugh

"No" Nash replies with a serious tone

"Seriously?" I ask shocked

"Yeah" Nash looks down

"Thanks for helping me" he says changing the subject

"Don't worry about it" Jack J pats his back

He is just staring at me, I can't help but feel drawn in by this boy

"I should probably get back" Nash says standing up

"You sure? You could always hang out with us" Maddi appears

"I don't want to intrude" I hear his accent

He's definitely not from here.

"Don't be silly, you won't be" Maddi laughs

He looks at me again.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"I'm sure" I reply

For some reason this boy makes me feel nervous, he makes my palms sweat...and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


"So where are you from, Nash?" Matt asks him as we all sit around my pool

"North Carolina" he gives him a small smile

"I though I recognised the accent" Jack G said before jumping into the pool

Before I knew it everyone was now in the pool apart from me and Nash

"I never quite got your name" Nash turns his attention to me

"It's Alice, you can call me that or Ali" I swallow the lump in my throat

"Nice name, so have you always lived in LA?" I feel his foot touch mine in the water

"Me and my family moved here when I was four, we were originally from New York"

"Oh I see" I feel his eyes on me

"So what about you, what brings you to LA?" I look over at him

"I was originally supposed to be staying here for summer but my parents said I could come here earlier"

"Where are you staying?" I ask

"With my aunt, she actually lives five minutes away from here" I couldn't help but stare at his features

"Is everything okay? Have I got something on my face?" He furrows his eyebrows

"Oh, sorry no. I um" I stumble on my words

"Were you checking me out?" He smirks

His words causing me to blush I look down

"Aww you were as well" he pushes my shoulder with his gently

"I was not!" I defend myself

"Sureee" he smirks at me

Come on Ali, pull yourself together...

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