
87 7 0

April 14th 2014

These past two weeks have been amazing,hanging out with all of my friends and getting to know Nash better

Oh, I also learnt that his first name is actually Hamilton and his middle name is Nash, he just prefers being called by Nash

He has a little sister named Skylynn, a younger brother names Hayes and an older brother named Will.
His dad is called Chad who is married to his stepmom Nila, Elizabeth is Nash's mom who is married to Johnnie, father of Skylynn.

I've learnt so much about Nash, yet he doesn't know much about me

"What are you thinking about?" Nash interrupts my thoughts

"You, actually" I laugh

"What about me?" He smirks

"Just the fact that you've told me so much about you, yet I haven't told you anything about me" I say, walking into my bathroom to finish getting ready

"I know your name is Alice Smith, you have a twin brother named Lucky. Your mom and dad are Mila and Jake. You're obsessed with Pretty little liars, American horror story and The vampire diaries, oh and you love coffee...a lot" he says, following me into my bathroom

"Ha ha, very funny" I smirk at him

"Well what else is there that I need to know?" He leans against the door frame

"Did I tell you that me and Lucky were meant to be triplets?" I ask, taking a piece of my hair and curling it

"No, you didn't" he frowns

"What happened?" He continues

"One day my mom put me, Lucky and Lauren in our crib and when she came back Lauren had stopped breathing, she died later that day in hospital" I look up to the light, stopping the tears from escaping my green eyes

"I'm sorry" Nash walks towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder

"I always felt like my mom blamed me for it, growing up" I finish my hair and turn the curling wand off

"But it wasn't your fault, she shouldn't blame you for that" he places his chin on my shoulder, watching me in our reflection

"I guess so" I say, giving Nash a half smile in the mirror

I hear the front door close

"You ready to meet my parents?" I ask, nervously

So here's the deal, me and Nash have became pretty close
He's stayed over nearly every night since we met

Most people would call me crazy for letting a stranger sleep in my bed.
But Nash didn't feel like a stranger at all, I felt like I'd known him my whole life.

"Alice" I hear my dad shout

"Coming!" I shout back, dragging Nash by his wrist

"Ah, you must be the famous Nash" my dad shakes Nash's hand

"Nash Grier, is nice to meet you sir" Nash shows my dad his smile that I've grown to adore

"Please, call me Jake" my dad pats Nash's shoulder

"Where's mom?" I question

"Business call, she should be finished any minute" he gives me a knowing smile

"Oh Alice, what are you wearing?" My mother appears from another room

Not "Alice, I missed you"

My mother takes her eyes off of me and looks at Nash

"Who is this?" She looks to my dad

"Nash Grier, the boy I was telling you about" he laughs slightly

"Ah, Alice's friend" she emphasises 'friend'

"Well, should we get going?" My mom walks out of the door

I sigh, maybe this was a bad idea

We arrive at Nobu, Nash running around to my door to open it for me

"Thank you" I blush slightly

"Anything for you, m'lady" he smirks at me

This boy.

After we all take our seats at our table my mother picks up her phone, typical

"Camila" my dad raises his eyebrows at her

She huffs, putting down her phone

"So, why isn't your brother here?" My mom looks over at me, her dark locks falling behind her back

"He's with our friends" I look down at my menu

"Shame, I was looking forward to seeing him" she raises her perfectly shaped eyebrows


I feel Nash gently grab my hand under the table, smiling at me

"I think I'll have the risotto" my dad hands his menu to the waiter

"Me too" I smile

"Just the side salad" my mother gives the waiter her menu

"Um, I think I'll try the risotto too" Nash hands his menu to the waiter and thanks him

"So how's school?" My dad speaks

"Good, I got an A on my chemistry test" I give my dad an open smile

"Well done sweetie" he chimes

"It's no A* though, is it?" My mom directs her attention to me

"Camila, enough" my dad raises his voice a little, causing my mom to roll her eyes

"What about your music?" My dad changes the subject

I look down and blush, Nash doesn't know about that

"Oh, um. I started writing a song" I look up at Nash

My dad notices me looking at Nash and smirks at us.


After we had all finished our food my mother was on another business call outside the restaurant

"I think we're going to go dad" I begin to stand up, Nash following my actions

"Okay, well it was nice to meet you Nash" my dad shakes his hand, again

"It was nice to meet you too, si-Jake" Nash corrects himself, laughing a little

I kiss my dad on the cheek and walk out of the restaurant with Nash, ignoring my mom on the way out

"Do you want to grab an uber?" Nash asks

"Can we walk instead?" I feel the warm breeze

"Sure" he starts walking

"I'm sorry about my mom" I speak up

"It's cool, is she always like that with you?" He looks at me

"Pretty much" I shrug

"She's never like that with Lucky though" I sway my shoes back and fourth as I walk barefooted

"I'm sorry you have to deal with her" he says, grabbing my hand

"I'm moving out as soon as I turn 18, I've been saving since I was 13" I sway our hands

"Let me know if you need a roommate" he wiggles his eyebrows

"You're such a flirt" I laugh, hitting him with my shoes

"Hey! Hey! I don't flirt with everyone, just you" he puts his hands up in defence

"Yeah yeah" I pretend that I'm annoyed with him

"Aliceeee" he wines

"Nash" I say bluntly

"I think I make it pretty obvious that I like you" he stops me and faces me

"And that scares me, because I met you just over two weeks ago and I've never felt like this before"

"How do you feel?" I look up at his piercing blue eyes

"I like you, a lot.
Alice, I'm addicted to you.
Whenever I'm not with you, I crave you, I feel like I need to be with you.
You're my addiction"

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