00. the river's gift

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prologue , the daughter

     Rivers flow nonstop, heading in the direction that the winds take them

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     Rivers flow nonstop, heading in the direction that the winds take them. Free like birds, the animals go to the river to safety and water. The river is light, a color that resembled the sky.

    A old man held a toddler in the basket, placing it gently down in a river, with only a blanket to keep it warm. The blanket was red and silver, with the words 'Magnolia-Aurora'. The toddler, couldn't be older than a three, and slept soundly in the basket, a gunfire went off and the old man jumped. The man seemed to wipe Magnolia's memory, she went soundly asleep. The man placed the toddler down in the river, and gave a small push before turning arising and disappearing. The toddler flowed down the river before stopping at a river bank, just close to a trailer.

     "Rosie!" A older woman called, no older than fifty-five, following her younger daughter, who couldn't be older than nineteen. "Rosie." The woman called again but this time with a more stern voice. "Fine then, fend for yourself! Your father and I won't go looking for you." The woman said with a wave and with that, she stomped away.

    Rosie, a women with dark eyes and hair, and a sharp jaw line, walked over to a trailer (which had an easel outside of it); that's when she saw the toddler on the bank. Rosie furrowed her eyebrows before grabbing the basket, and the blanket.

    "Who would put a toddler in the blanket, in this heat?" Rosie muttered aloud to herself as she brought the toddler inside, she seemed to be sleeping soundly. Rosie looked at the blanket, which had her name on it. "Magnolia-Aurora? Isn't that a long name?" Rosie said in a baby voice as she cleaned up her trailer, it had a bed, a kitchenette and a living space, and it was big enough for the Rosie. "How about we stick together, how about that Maggie?" Rosie said with a smile, she loved children, and art. She knew that she could raise Magnolia. "I guess I'll be your mommy now." Rosie said, she wouldn't just let Magnolia die if she could keep that from happening.

    Rosie quickly checked her ears (which were hidden under a large hat) and how her clothes were holding up. But she was caught by surprise when she found little otter ears and tail in her place of human ears (and the lack there of, of a tail). "I guess your hybrid-ness will be our little secret." Rosie said with a slight smile.

    Magnolia started to wake up and smiled up at Rosie, she had her teeth and hugged Rosie before telling "hugs!" Rosie smiled at the young girl, and they set up some lawn chairs.

   "Hi Maggie, momma is going to find you a bed for you." Rosie said and Magnolia giggled, as she held onto Rosie. Magnolia squiggled out of Rosie's arms and made a 'poof' noise, making her otter ears and tail, disappear, leaving no tail and human ears.

    To say Rosie was astonished, was an understatement. But she smiled and brought Rosie to the store, which was a few miles away. But they walked, even when Magnolia's feet got tired, Rosie put her in the cart they had brought with them. "Momma?" Magnolia asked as Rosie turned around, and looked at her. "Why is the grass brown, and not green? Like the ones back at the place?" Magnolia asked as Rosie laughed at 'the place' since she didn't know that's where they lived now.

     "Because we live near a river." Rosie said as she's approached a store, called 'World Market'. They entered it (even though it red 'closed on the door) and found a bed, but Rosie also got a bunch of baby formula and some clothes, cloth and some seeds. She would start a little garden, she also saw a stuffed animal, a deer, and smiled.

     "What's a river?" Magnolia asked as Rosie grabbed a map, a water filter and a few baby clothes, toddler clothes. Magnolia grabbed a camera, it had film in it?

     "It's where water goes down a mountain or a hill, making it flow away, to the ocean." Rosie explained as they took some final things and went back on their way (she had grabbed many pairs of shoes for Magnolia). On their way, they passed many places wheee Rosie would steal products that she think that herself or Magnolia would have.

    "Momma, what's an ocean?" Magnolia asked as she skipped next to her mom. As they walked through the Texan grass and the flat desert land. They slowly approached the trailer.

    "It's really big amount of water that is salty." Rosie explained as she started to set up the bed for magnolia, making her own bed smaller. She then set up her quadruplets bassinet. Rosie than cooked some frozen chicken she had found, she was luck she had found Magnolia.

"Can we see the ocean one day, momma?" Magnolia asked as she sat on the counter, next to Rosie, who had been making dinner.

"Maybe one day, baby." Rosie said with a smile as she smiled at her mother, as she held onto her dear. It was a plush, and her favorite.


      Rosie sat in her 'living room' which had a bassinet and her four babies inside. She watched as Magnolia sat in their room, drawing a piece of paper. Rosie couldn't see what Magnolia was drawing, it was Rosie, Magnolia, and four little wolf boys. Rosie opened a book, the three little pigs and red to her infants."'Once upon a time, the three little pigs built three little houses, but the Big Bad...'" Rosie stopped as she heard one her quadruplets coo, or more, howl ever so slightly. "The big nice wolf..." Rosie corrected as she saw Magnolia draw Rosie, herself, and her brothers (which were wolf hybrids, their snouts and paws made that clear). "But the Big Nice Wolf wouldn't allow it, because those three pigs were bullies, and the Wolf, well, he just wanted to make the village a nicer place to live." Rosie said setting down the book, and giving the story to her infants.

     Magnolia's ears twitched and faded from Otter to human, the four year old tucked her tail in as she heard a car approach, or an engine. The sound of something opening, and closing again, filled the air. There was a moment of distress for Magnolia, was it the old man?

    "Rosie!" A woman, older, yelled from outside as she barged inside. The woman had bags under her eyes, and fancy-ed up hair. And Magnolia was confused, how did her hair do that? How did it stay in place and not become a curly mess? "Daddy's dead." The woman, said to Rosie who only for half a moment peered at her four year old daughter (who recently turned four) before at her infants before back at her mom.

     Magnolia peered from the 'bedroom' staring, her pictures were hung on a wire from the ceiling, and it felt like home. Magnolia watched as her mother didn't say anything, she watched as her baby brother, one of them, cried again. They were getting low on supplies again, they'd have to find another store since the world market was destroyed at this point.

    "I see you're still doing art." The woman said again as she looked at the painting, of Rosie and another girl's silhouette in a wagon. Along with boxes as it was sunset, did Rosie paint this? Next to it, she saw a series of drawings made by a young child, it was a picture of a river it had little fish and everything in it.

    Still Rosie said nothing, she watched as her daughter cautiously came forward. Running quickly behind Rosie, who smiled ever so slightly. However the woman was too caught up looking at the pictures to notice the young girl behind Rosie. "Your sister misses you." The woman said as she stopped staring at the drawings and focused on Rosie, who had a small puff of curly hair behind her, that wasn't here before.

    "Is that them, what's that puff behind you?" The woman asked. As she stared at the eyes, human eyes, back at her. There was no tail and no animal ears. This child, was human, but her siblings? They were hybrids. "They sound hungry." The woman said stated after she heard the babies cries, and Magnolia's stomach grumble.

    "I'm running low on formula; and food for both Maggie and I." Rosie spoke finally as she stared at her mother. "All supermarkets are empty and I had to fight for the last two cans." Rosie stated as she thought about what she should do.

   Would Rosie trade her freedom for security, and to be able to help feed Magnolia; her boys? Or would she have to risk it all, to be able to be free from the wicked claws of her own mother?

written: fri. 21, june, 2024

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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