The Mourning Sky

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The night felt restless to her. The way the moon disappears under the dark clouds, the distant howls of the wolves down the hills sent chills down her spine.

The wind moved faster than it was supposed to but still slower to the people inside the walls. It was a warning for the storm coming.

The thunder and occasional display of the cracked sky adored with light didn't scare her one bit .But, it made her curious. Curious enough to go near the window of her room.

The mirror near her bed was something she always admired . Today, it was making her cautious, the splitting lights with sounds that can break a mountain. It showed her a shadow,a shadow that doesn't belong to her.

She felt she was burning up even when it was storming outside, the wind enveloped her and her naked shoulders.
The sky kept weeping and mourning, letting its sorrows out with all the untold burdens.

The figure from the shadows came up to her and held its hand towards her.
Pale, white hands, the figure never showed its face, "it's time." The figure croaked out with a hoarse voice.

She smiled a bit before giving her hands in. It was beautiful, the white sheets with crimson red, she painted her hands with red.She looked beautiful in red.
She left with the dark figure happily knowing she started a journey with no return.

The night calmed down for the day to come.
The sun dawned on her room while she laid there soundly, blissfully.

"She's too lazy," the lady says.

The sky still weeped for the loss and burdens,and what it saw.
The birds searched for her in the red rays of sun but returned with no hope, while she watched with a smile on her face.
The wolves still howl, the wind still moves, her heart could bear now as the sky cleared leaving an empty room behind.

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