Chapter One

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Chapter One

16 June 2024

For nearly two years now, Barbara has reigned as the Queen of Anchuria, the wife of King Marino.

Yet her time on the throne has been anything but conventional.

From the very beginning, Barbara has bucked against the rigid expectations placed upon her as a royal, constantly finding ways to put her unique spin on the duties and protocol that come with being a monarch's spouse.

It's a role she has often struggled with, frequently finding herself at odds with her husband over her rebellious behavior and unwillingness to conform.

At the core of their conflicts is the issue of producing an heir - the very reason their marriage was arranged in the first place.

After nearly 13 years together, the lack of a royal child has become a source of intense scrutiny and pressure from the Anchurian public.

The family and advisors have been relentlessly urging Barbara and Marino to fulfill their duty and bring a new heir into the world.

But Barbara has stubbornly resisted, much to the frustration of her husband and the royal household.

It's not that she has any fertility issues - quite the opposite, in fact.

Barbara simply doesn't feel ready to have a child at this stage of her life, preferring to focus on establishing her own identity and place within the monarchy rather than being defined solely by her ability to bear an heir.

This defiant stance has put Barbara at odds with the centuries-old traditions and expectations surrounding the role of a queen.

From the moment she stepped into this position, she has challenged the rigid rules and protocol, doing things her own way and refusing to be a mere figurehead.

Whether it's ignoring certain ceremonial duties, speaking her mind without regard for propriety, or brazenly flouting the wishes of her husband, Barbara has carved out a queen-ship that is uniquely her own.

It's a stance that has earned her both ardent admirers and harsh critics, with the Anchurian public divided on whether she is a breath of fresh air or a dangerous threat to the stability of the monarchy.

Marino, for his part, has struggled to rein in his wife's rebellious tendencies.

As a relatively new king himself, he is still finding his footing and learning to navigate the complex web of royal politics.

Barbara's constant defiance puts him in a difficult position, as he must balance his love and respect for his wife with the duty he feels to uphold the traditions and expectations of the crown.

There have been many heated arguments between the couple as Marino has tried to get Barbara to fall in line, only to be met with her stubborn refusal to compromise her principles.

Yet even as their public clashes have become the subject of intense gossip and speculation, Barbara has managed to keep one crucial detail hidden from prying eyes - she is, in fact, already pregnant.

For weeks now, she has been carefully concealing the early stages of her condition, determined to announce it on her own terms rather than succumb to the relentless pressure from the palace and the public.

And now, on Father's Day, Barbara has finally decided to reveal her secret, planning a dramatic Instagram post that is sure to send shockwaves through the kingdom.

Marino, of course, is aware of his wife's pregnancy, but he remains unaware of just how far along she is.

Barbara has been masterfully keeping him in the dark, using her rebellious persona as a cover for her true condition.

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