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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐬.𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧 has posted!

𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧 has posted!

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐬.𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧 happy 27 weeks ! 🥳💐
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"Happy 27 weeks babes!" Brielle chortled holding a small cake in her hands. I smiled as I looked at the beautifully decorated cake the words, 27 weeks in a stunning cursive. "Thank you Bri," I say hugging her from the side before she placed the cake on the coffee table.

I came home early from New York because I had an appointment paediatrician just to check up on the babies growth. They were getting really large and we were almost ready to find out the gender!

"I've seen all of the photos of you in New York. Your face is everywhere." She tells me. I feel embarrassed as I blush, "This is going to become a regular thing now." I say. She gives me a look, "Drew will protect you. Trust me." She reassures me. "And the little one growing in there." Brielle says rubbing my bump. I giggle, "Their going to love you." I say. She smiles, "I'll be the fun aunt." But before I could reply there's a knock on the door.

I look at Brielle confused, "I wonder who it is," I say standing up. I walk over to the foyer and behind the door there's a tall figure. I warily open the door and the blond haired guy turns around, "Oh, hey Chassidy." Rudy says.

I smile a little relieved it was only him, "Hey Rudy, what's up?" I ask. He smiled at me, "I was wondering if Drew was around, is he home?" He asks. I shake my head leaning on the front door, "No, he's still in New York doing extra business." I tell him.
"Come in," I say ushering him inside.

Rudy nods his head understanding, "Oh yeah, how was fashion week anyway. I've seen all the photos." He tells me. I roll my eyes blushing, "It was okay. I didn't expect to get this much attention though." I say before we walk into the living space. Brielle's back is facing me, she turns around, "Who was i..." she trails off her mouth hanging in shock.

I scratch the back of my head awkwardly as Rudy walks toward her to shake her hand, "Rudy, and you're Brielle right?" He says. She nods her head, still trying to form words, "Brielle, yes that's me." She says. I scoff, "She's a big fan of you." I whisper to Drew. He turns to me understanding, "That makes sense."

Brielle snaps back before laughing awkwardly fixing her blond hair, "Sorry, I'm Brielle. I just love your work and everything about you." She rants. She covers her mouth embarrassed, "Forget the last part." She rambles. He laughs, "That's okay." She blushes and she is a spark in her blue eyes. Chassidy knows this spark. She's in love.

She tucks strands of her blonde hair behind her ear as she sheepishly offers him to sit. "I'm going to cut this cake." I tell them, purposefully leaving them alone. I smile proudly to myself as I walk back into the kitchen holding the cake.
I place the cake down and start cutting it into perfect pieces. Rudy and Brielle were talking in the background and I could hear continuous laughing and giggling that made me grin.

Then my phone begins to ring. I look down and it's Drew's contact. His name on my phone is Drew, with a yellow heart because yellow hearts always mean confusion. Like my feelings about him. I pick up the phone licking icing off my fingers, "Drew?" I say my lips smacking.

"What are you doing? Are you eating?" He asks. I roll my eyes, "Yes I'm eating." I reply dryly. "Who cooked?" He asks me again. Drew knows I cannot cook for shit, I burned a set of brownies I wanted to make for him the other week, it was tragic.
"Brielle came over with cake for me being 27 weeks." I explain. He sighs relieved, but clears his throat as he plans to change the subject, "How did the appointment go anyway?" Drew says. I hum as I smile, "Our baby is the size of a cauliflower, and its lungs have developed." I respond.

I hear Drew laugh, "A cauliflower?" He says. I smile warmly at his happiness over the phone, "Their getting big." He says softly. I knew he was happy, in fact he was ecstatic. "And we can know the gender by the next check up." I finish. Drew sighs, "I can't wait." He says softly.

I didn't realise how long I had been smiling. I was just so happy, and I could imagine Drew smiling too.
"I'll be home soon Chass." He tells me. I push myself off the marble island and look out the window at the stunning view, "I miss you," I let out softly. I snap back into reality as I realise what I had just said. Drew's silence scared me, "I miss you too." He finally replies.

My heart rate relaxes as he said exactly what I wanted to hear. "Bye Drew," I say, "Bye Chass." He finishes before I hang up. Feeling good about myself I rest my hand against the bump, "We are so excited to meet you," I say to the bump. The sound of more laughter makes me curious. I walk back into the seating area, "What are you two laughing about?" I ask, my voice teasing as I hand them both the plates of vanilla cake to them.

"It's and inside joke Chassidy." He says through a laugh. "I would love to tell you Chass, but you wouldn't know since it's only between me and Rudy." She says through a giggle.
The chemistry between these two was sky rocketing.

I decided that I should leave them too it as I sat down on the arm chair by the tall window and at the cake.


Brielle and I laid in Drews bed, it was massive, so I decided that I would like to use this bed for me and Brielle's mini sleep over. And because of the fact that it smelt of Drew and I missed him.
"Do you miss me in the apartment?" I ask. She turns her head to me, "No, not at all. I actually like the peace and quiet." She teases. "Of course I miss you." She goes in the hug me. I wrap my arms around her our legs tangle into one. "I saw the sparkle in your eyes today, when you saw Rudy." I tell her.

She sighs as she leans into my chest, "He's dreamy. I could stare into his ocean eyes forever." She breaths. I smile as I know my girl is in love. "Love feels nice," she says. "It's like a warm fuzzy blanket is wrapped around your heart keeping it warm all the time. And everytime you see that person, it just gets warmer." She explains. Brielle then looked up at me, "Is that how you feel about Drew, or are you still refusing to accept that you have feelings about him?"

I don't respond as I think about it. Drew kind of did remind me of a warm fuzzy blanket. Whenever I hugged him, I felt warm, and cozy. "Brielle, I think..." I trail off, "I think I love him." I finally let out. It felt like a massive weight was lifted off my chest once I finally said it. She giggled softly, "I knew it, the day I saw him hug you and tell you that he'd be by your side the whole way through this pregnancy. I knew that he was the right one for you, and that you loved him." She says.

I lean on the pillow, his pillow. "I could see Drew and I in the future. Taking care of this baby, but living in private. Away from the cameras, and the traffic. Just me, him and our little cauliflower." I say, my tone airy as I'm about to fall asleep.
"Mhm.." Brielle trails off already asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 | 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now