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I slept on the couch that night. I didn't have the energy to get home, Brielle slept soundly beside me. I woke up to the sound of sizzling and the delicious smell of eggs and bacon. I sat up, my hair was a mess and I noticed I had stained the silk throw cushions with my black mascara.

This was the second time I had abruptly woken up and this guy's house. But this time I knew how I got here and why. I was pregnant, god that felt weird to think about.

I had a mini-me or mini him growing inside of me, and it was going to be like that for 9 months. I heard laughing coming from the kitchen so I decided to get up and wrap myself with the blanket Drew had lent me.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Brielle talking to Drew. "Morning." I groaned. They both turned to me and smiled, "There she is." Brielle came and hugged me. I hugged her back still sleepy. "Smells good in here," I say going over to see what Drew was making.
"How do you like your eggs?" he asks as he cracks the eggs into the frying pan.

"Well done, I hate runny eggs. Makes me sick-" and then all I could think about was runny eggs. I gagged as I covered my mouth, "Down the hall." He yelled to Brielle as she ran with me to the nearest toilet. I lunge down and threw up everything I ate yesterday, mostly coffee.

Once I had gotten it all out of my system I slouched against the wall exhausted, "I hate morning sickness." I sigh. Brielle hands me a cup of water, "It's going to be like this for a while." she says rubbing my messy hair.

Breakfast went on, I ate and was pleased with the eggs, they were perfect. Till Brielle got up, "I've got work, look after her for me." she said to Drew. "Hey, what about me?" I ask. I also have work, so I should be there now.

"I called you in sick, you need a day off," she says making me sit back down again. I groan as I watch Her leave leaving me with Drew. "So, what do you do?" he asks me. "Hairdresser. It's soothing." I respond drinking the coffee.
"Huh, that's nice," he responds.

Once I'm finished I realise I'm dirty from last night. I'm desperate for a shower, "Do you have a shower?" I ask. "Follow me," he says getting up. I follow him up the stairs into a guest bedroom the size of my apartment. He opens The door, "Here." he says. I smile at him, "Thanks, Drew." I shut the door and sighed against it, the bathroom was beautiful, covered in white marble.

This was the dream, this is what I was working for and I had it right here in my grasp. But I wasn't going to be blinded by all this wealth. I had his baby that's it, I didn't want him. We'd be nice to each other and co-parent the baby, that'll be it.
But I instantly fell in love with the steam shower. It was like a spa in there, and I loved it.

Once I was done with my 20-minute shower which I managed to wash my hair in I wrapped myself in the robe. I leave the room and walk down the hall when I bump into Drew. "20 minutes, really?" he asks Me.
"You have a nice shower," I say with a grin.

He rolls His eyes at me, as he says. "I think you should stay here." I Look at him shocked, "You want me to stay here? Why would I possibly do that?" I ask snap at him. "Because you're carrying my baby, I need to be there," he says.

"Yeah, you will be there. At the doctor's appointments and the birth and then you'll co-parent. But moving in is much." I refuse. "It's my baby too, it's not fair, i to want to watch it grow."
"The only thing you'll be seeing grow is me," I say sarcastically.

"You're staying here, come on you can't be in an apartment with Brielle how would you both possibly fit in with a baby too?" I think about it as I sigh, "Well... I guess it's fair." I say quietly.
"I'll drive you home, and you pack your things," he tells me. I scoff, "Fine, only because it's fair." I tell him again.


He drives me home and I tell him to wait for me in the car. I walk up to the apartment and pack my clothes into the same suitcase and duffle bag I brought with me the same day I moved to California those years ago.
I met him in the car again and he helped me put them in the boot.

I sat in the car and sighed As I looked back at him. This is going to be a long 9 months.

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧 added her story

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧 added her story

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