Layla: Anyone awake?
Curtis: Me. What's up?
Layla: Oh.
Curtis: What.
Layla: When I said "anyone," I was kinda hoping for anyone... else.
Curtis: Look, I'm not happy to be stuck with me either, but here we are.
Grace: I can't sleep either.
Lucas: How can anyone sleep when you guys are blowing up my phone.
Curtis: Go to bed, Luke.
Grace: What's up, Layla? You good?
Layla: Not really.
Emily: 🥱 What did I miss?
Layla: I got fired from my job today.
Curtis: Did you deserve it, though?
Layla: Did YoU dEseRvE iT tHoUgh?
Emily: Oh no! 😱 What happened?
Curtis: Sounds like you did.
Layla: This is why I don't talk to you. I'm kind of going through it right now. Like, I got bills. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Curtis: You find another job.
Grace: Chill, Curt. It's not always that easy.
Lucas: Why did you get fired, though?
Oliver: I am late to the party. As usual. Are you alright, Layla?
Layla: I'm definitely not good.
Emily: Do you have anything saved or put back? 😟
Layla: A little. But not enough. I mean, my roommate can only cover my portion for so long before she'll get fed up. I spent all afternoon filling out applications. I can only hope someone will call me back soon. This just sucks.
Curtis: Why
Ethan: *Yawns and offers everyone a tired wave*
Hellooooooooooo. What's up, guys?
Layla: I got fired because of my attendance. Apparently, I had the worst attendance they had ever seen since opening their doors. So, yes, Curtis. I deserved it. Does that butter your sadistic little bagel?
Curtis: First of all, yes. Secondly, why would you call in so much?
Grace: Curtis. Bro.
Oliver: He's got a point.
Layla: I get sick a lot. Like, a lot.
Lucas: What about a doctor's note?
Curtis: I feel bad for your roommate. You're only working the bare minimum hours to cover your portion?
Layla: Go to bed, Curtis.
Curtis: Don't get mad at me because you're dealing with the consequences of your own actions.
Grace: Read the room, Curtis.
Curtis: I did. I read that she got fired for her own poor decisions.
Layla: It's not my fault I'm always sick.
Emily: Guys, please don't fight. 🥺
Lucas: What about a doctor's note, though?
Layla: I can't afford a doctor. Let alone a note from one.
Ethan: Are you feeling better now?
Layla: No. I'm freaking miserable. Bills are due. I feel like scum putting this all on my roommate.
Curtis: Did you learn anything?
Layla: Yeah. That you're a complete jerk.
Grace: Empathy, my dude.
Curtis: I don't have empathy when people lie in beds of their own making. I've faced my own demons before, too. No one showed me empathy. I didn't deserve it.
Layla: Can you ban him, Ethan?
Curtis: Ban me.
Oliver: No! Guys, just chill!
Lucas: Layla, relax. Curtis, go sit in the corner.
Layla: Relax? I share my very real troubles, and he mocks me! That's messed up! I could be homeless before too long, and he seems to think it's funny!
Curtis: Never said any part of that was humorous. Only that it was caused by your own actions.
Ethan: Guys. Come on. We're all adults here.
Oliver: Coming from the guy that roleplays.
Ethan: Yeah. Let's all relax. Layla, how much do you need to cover your portion of the month?
Layla: A lot.
Oliver: Hear me out. Onlyfans.
Ethan: Not now, Olly. How much is your bill?
Layla: $1,500. That's not even counting food or gas in my car.
Ethan: What's your Cashapp?
Layla: What?
Ethan: Cashapp. PayPal. Whatever you use. I could mail a check, but I have no idea where you live, and that could take too long to get to you. So, how can I send you the money?
Layla: ....
Grace: Holy crap. Are you serious?
Layla: Very funny, Ethan.
Emily: 🙀
Lucas: Found out who he has a crush on.
Oliver: Wait a second! I need some money, too, if you're just giving it away!
Ethan: This isn't about crushes or anything childish like that. This is a friend in need, and I'm willing to help. Layla, I'm not trolling you. Genuinely. Give me your Cashapp. You'll have the funds you need in seconds.
Layla: Ethan... I don't have a job. I can't pay back that kind of loan.
Ethan: I never said it was a loan. I said you'll have the funds.
Oliver: Bank of Ethan. Was this always an option??
Layla: It's LayzDayz....
Emily: Oh my..💕
Ethan: Thank you. Done.
Layla: Ethan.. I don't know what to say. I'm speechless.
Curtis: Typically, in situations like this, you say, "Thank you." Although, in my opinion that no one asked for, bailing her out won't teach her anything.
Layla: Thank you, Ethan. I mean it. Thank you so much.
Ethan: No problem. Just keep looking for a job, but don't stress yourself over it. Now, you can fall asleep more easily tonight.
Grace: Well, I'm wide awake now. That was something completely unexpected.
Emily: Me too. Never knew Ethan was such a sweetie! 🥰 Hey, guys! Wanna go for another round in our game?
Lucas: Game?
Oliver: That confessions game? We are just gonna roll right past what just happened?
Curtis: A terrible game, really.
Ethan: I'm down!
Grace: I mean, I'll play. I got nothing better to do.
Layla: Me too! I'll gladly play with you guys!
Emily: Same order as last time? 😁
Grace: Means you go first, Em.
Lucas: None of that baby stuff either. Real deal. Hardcore. Spit some facts. I want you to really raw dog these secrets. Cut it with the stuffed animal, cute stuff.
Emily: A secret I have is that I used to think "paraphrase" was actually "parrot phrase." 🦜 You know. Because parrots repeat what you say back to you. 🤭
Lucas: I just said nothing cute.
Oliver: I'm just surprised she isn't allergic to parrots, frankly.
Grace: I mean, it makes sense. I can see how a child would confuse that. It sounds the same, and parrots do copy.
Emily: Oh no, I learned this like last week. 🙃
Layla: Are you serious.
Grace: You're joking.
Oliver: Ha. What an absolute fool.
Emily: There's that caring safe circle we all know and love. 💕
Lucas: You're up, Grace.
Grace: It's so hard to think this late at night. My brain is resting. Let's see.
Lucas: Go hard or go to bed.
Grace: I have something. Technically, it's not my secret per se. But, a dirty secret nonetheless.
Oliver: Gossip? I love it. What is it?
Grace: I dumped my ex-boyfriend because I found out he had a diaper fetish. But I told everyone he was moving away instead so it wouldn't embarrass either of us.
Curtis: Yup, that's even grosser than eating pennies.
Layla: How is that even a fetish? Doesn't that mean you're into babies? You'd have to be.
Grace: I didn't have him elaborate too far on it. Just that he liked wearing them. And pooping himself. He wanted me to change him and wear diapers myself.
Lucas: That's nasty.
Curtis: He should be in jail.
Emily: 💩
Oliver: I'm not one to kink shame. But that's just too much.
Grace: Right? I wonder where he is now. Hope he found his poopy princess. He was a good guy. You know. Minus that weird stuff.
Layla: Hey, Ethan. You're up!
Ethan: Oh, right. Okay. I'll confess something that will probably end our friendship.
Curtis: Doubt. We can tolerate you well enough.
Ethan: I am actually a furry. Full on. I just never told you guys because I knew I'd be roasted. Or blocked. Maybe even both.
Curtis: Okay, I spoke too soon. I draw the line at furries.
Ethan: I thought so.
Layla: Grow up, Curtis.
Curtis: I am grown up. I have a job and everything.
Grace: Bro, too soon.
Emily: He's always so grumpy. 👿
Layla: Curtis, have you ever been beaten up?
Curtis: Why? You wanna beat me up?
Oliver: Over my dead body!
Lucas: Speaking of dead bodies. My confession is that I'm a serial killer.
Curtis: Small world. Me too.
Oliver: Me too. Jinks!
Grace: Okay, but three serial killers in one chat?
Oliver: Those odds are slim. But never zero.
Layla: Come on.
Emily: What's your real confession?? 🤐
Lucas: I tell my mom she's the better cook just so I don't have to cook. But my cooking is so much better.
Curtis: First of all, weak. Second, we all figured that you still lived with your mom.
Layla: Nothing is wrong with living with your mom. Times are hard.
Lucas: Actually, not that it really matters, but my mom lives with me. My house. She stays in my basement.
Curtis: Likely story.
Oliver: Still living with your mommy, though. Making her cook for you. Does she cut your food up for you, too?
Ethan: In this economy? Can't blame people for rooming with others.
Lucas: Okay. You guys sufficiently roasted me.
Oliver: Better than letting your mom do the roasting. Lazy.
Lucas: Really? Yo momma jokes? How old are we?
Curtis: Old enough to have jobs and live on our own.
Grace: If I ever struggle in life, I will never share it here.
Oliver: My confession is that I think Curtis is so cute.
Grace: We know.
Lucas: We know.
Ethan: We know.
Layla: Duh.
Emily: Not a confession. 😂
Curtis: He's trolling. He's also gross. What's your real confession?
Oliver: As an adult, I'm still scared to hang my limbs over the side of my bed at night. Always worried something will touch or grab me.
Lucas: That's actually more gay than you having a crush on Curtis.
Emily: I'm the same way! ☠️ I have to keep all limbs under the sheets at all times, so nothing touches me!
Layla: Seriously. Agreed. About the gay thing, though. Not about the sheets. Lucas, you're kinda lame. Emily, you're still cute.
Emily: D'awwwww~ 🥰
Grace: I purposely drape my hand over the edge of my bed at night. Waiting for my demons to snatch me up so I have a cuddle buddy.
Curtis: It would be hilarious if your under bed demon has a diaper fetish, too. Your personal hell.
Grace: I would request a new demon to haunt me. One that carries knives, maybe.
Layla: You guys want to know something serious? I didn't even tell my family this. I had a miscarriage about five years ago. I was a few months along. It was seriously the hardest loss I've ever personally experienced.
Ethan: My deepest condolences. How are you today concerning it?
Grace: That's so awful! You have my sympathies.
Emily: I'm sorry! Thank you for sharing such a deep secret with us. What happened? 😢
Lucas: Dang. That really sucks.
Oliver: I hope you're okay now.
Layla: Thank you, guys. I'm okay now. Everything's fine. My boyfriend and I took the hit pretty hard. Our relationship didn't make it after that. But it was for the best. I think God had different plans for our lives in that moment. Some things aren't meant to be.
Curtis: Wait, you're a Christian?
Layla: Yes. Why?
Curtis: I never knew that. I don't know what any of you people believe.
Emily: What do you believe, Curtis? ✝️
Curtis: I don't know. I guess I used to believe. Back when I was a kid. I prayed. I went to church. I read my Bible. That kind of thing.
Oliver: What about now, though?
Curtis: I guess I'd be agnostic. Can't say there is, can't say there isn't. All I know from personal experience is, whether there is or isn't, prayers don't get answered. So, there's either no one listening or an all mighty and all-powerful god chooses to let people suffer.
Layla: That's a bit harsh. And unfair.
Curtis: No. What's unfair is the horrors that children face and no one and nothing is there to protect them.
Ethan: You okay, Curtis?
Curtis: Ethan.
Ethan: What?
Curtis: Furries are disgusting.
Ethan: Yeah, he's good. It's your turn, by the way, Curtis. What's your confession?
Curtis: When I was in fifth grade, we had show and tell at school. I didn't bring anything. But someone brought in their pet mice. The mice had babies. They were giving them away if anyone wanted them. I didn't have any pets, but I really wanted one. And it was kind of cute. I figured it was small enough that I could sneak one in without my mother seeing it. They passed them out to students in these small cardboard boxes with some shavings in them. I took one. I didn't have anything to feed him. No where to put him. I kept him in the cardboard box. For a couple of days. I tried to feed him carrots. Anyway. I came home from school one day to find that he chewed his way through the box. He was loose in the house. My mother discovered we had a mouse. She was furious. She never found out that it was me who brought the mouse into our home.
Lucas: Holy crap. That is the most I've ever seen you type.
Oliver: You should do it more often.
Ethan: Trying to wrap my brain around Curtis actually caring about a tiny little life that depends on him.
Layla: Thought that story was going in a very different direction.
Emily: What happened to the mouse, though? 🐀
Grace: That was actually kind of a cute story.
Curtis: My mother set out traps. I always set them off to try to keep him safe. But I wasn't always home. I had to go to school at some point. Eventually, she killed him.
Emily: 😭
Grace: Did he have a name?
Ethan: Super unfortunate.
Curtis: I called him Buddy.
Lucas: Pour one out to Buddy.
Oliver: I can be your new buddy.
Layla: R.I.P. Buddy.
Curtis: I want to rest in peace, too.
Oliver: What?
Curtis: Sleep. Time for me to rest.
Grace: Oh, yeah. I should get to bed, too. I didn't realize the time.
Emily: Time flies when you're having fun! 😄 Thank you, guys, for playing another round with me! This was a lot of fun!
Ethan: Nighty night, sleep tight!
Layla: Goodnight, guys! Take care!
Lucas: Night.