A Son For A Son

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An: I'm so excited to be back, and updating again, I'm starting with this story, as this was my first House of the Dragon story. Spoiler Warning, if you hadn't seen the episode. 

In Daenys's Chambers, King's Landing 

No one POV 

Daenys was reading a book and and said "Rats go under, they keep going under, they'll attack, attack, son for a son." 

The door opened and Daenys turned around and Aemond said "Sister" and Daenys looked over and said "Rats go under, blood will spill." 

Aemond said "Are you going to continue to ignore me" and Daenys got up and said "Aegon is with his children again, Helaena is with Jaehaera." 

Aemond said "I'm aware" and Daenys said "I got a letter from Daeron, He's flying here" and Aemond said "That is good." 

Daenys picked at her fingernails and Aemond looked over and Daenys said "I'm scared." 

Aemond sat down next to her and said "They would be fools to come here, You have Silverwing to protect you,and I won't let anything happen to you."

Daenys said "Not the Dragons, the rats." 

Aemond looked over and some of the maids looked over at Daenys. 

Daenys looked over and Aemond said "Doesn't the Princess Daenys have an interesting personality." 

Daenys looked over and Aemond said "Won't she make a lovely wife to a lucky lord someday" and Daenys stopped and looked over. 

She looked back over at the book and kept reading and Aemond said "For your lessons?" and Daenys said "They help with the constant dreams." 

Aemond said "Hmm..Perhaps something else would help" and Daenys kept reading, Aemond said "How many of your so called dreams have you seen?". 

Daenys said "Don't say it like that" and Aemond said "Like what?". 

Daenys said "Like you believe I am crazy, they are real, I know they are. It's real" and Aemond said "You believe it's real, Just like our father was " and Daenys said "That is a lot of judgement coming from you." 

Aemond said "Lucerys took my eye, He was never punished for it, Do you" and Daenys said "You killed him, and you are still going to hold on to this grudge. You killed him..and now we're all going to die." 

Aemond said "No one is going to die" and Daenys said "You say we have power, but they have dragons too, or did you forget that, they're not all like Luke's dragon. And some are more experienced riders than you. Not to mention that Rhaenrya is half arryn, that means the whole of the Vale could side with her, Starks are known for their honour, as they don't forget oaths, even old ones. And now the rats will come." 

Aemond said "What rats?". 

Daenys said "Rats." 

Aemond said "And you wonder why I think your mad, you let your imagination run wild" and Daenys said "Don't you have a Small Council meeting to go to, I'm sure Mother would love to see you there." 

At the Small Council 

Aegon sat at the head of the table and Otto said "But of course the time for surprises have passed, and now we must play the board before us." 

The doors opened and Aemond walked in. 

Alicent said "Aemond? What are you doing here" and Aegon said "I brought him here, Tell me how is our sister?". 

Aemond said "Still rambling." 

Aegon said "She's still mad about that, I'll give her a new friend, or perhaps her rambling on about what is it about now?". 

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