Chapter : 1...The Rebellious twins!!...

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Author's pov-

In a small house , a family of 4 were eating breakfast where  only cluttering of plates can be heard. Twin adults were slightly peeking at their parents and nudging each other to ask for permission . Suddenly one of them , Kim Haneul mustered a little courage and asked his parents -"appa... Weekend is coming and many of my friends are going to their maternal grandparents home..... So ... Can we also go there?" He asked batting his eyelashes so innocently ...

 Can we also go there?" He asked batting his eyelashes so innocently

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(Kim Haneul.....)

His Appa-" sure ... If you want to go there then let's go to your eomma 's  home tomorrow." He uttered with a calm voice  but this is not the answer the kids wanted to hear from their parents...  Other kid, Kim jinyoung interrupted his father and said him in a annoyed voice -" this is not  what we wanted to hear papa! Are you really not getting it or are you intentionally not trying to understand it?? We wanna meet our grandparents that is your parents.... Every friend of ours knows their grandparents .... Except us.... We don't even know about their names .. it's like they don't even exist in our lives! " He shouted furiously   and he saw his father has stopped eating and was looking at him with a complicated emotions in his eyes.

 it's like they don't even exist in our lives! " He shouted furiously   and he saw his father has stopped eating and was looking at him with a complicated emotions in his eyes

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(Kim jinyoung....)

He realised his mistake but when he tried to apologize to his father , a loud slam sound echoed in the surroundings flinching every person present in there.. a strange silence spread on the area . Both of the twins gulped when they found their mother literally glaring at them .

His mother-" ENOUGH!! Just cause we gave you some freedom and we became a little Frank with you ... Now you grown so much that you started  shouting on your father?  Kim jinyoung..... Get up.. you are  not gonna have any food today... You are  confined in your room today and that's your punishment for raising your voice to your father.... GO!!" He ordered in a very angry voice.

Kim jinyoung slammed his plate on the table and walked himself out from there with thumping his feet in anger. Kim Haneul sighed  when he heard his mother's voice after few seconds -" take your and his breakfast to his room  and make him finish his meal.." Kim Haneul nodded his head and started to walk towards the younger's room with food. Suddenly , he remembered he had forgotten few side dishes  so he turned back to go to dinning table  but what he saw was enough to froze him there on the spot.

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