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As Ranvijay guided me to Veer's room, a blend of anticipation and nervousness swirled within me. Each step felt like a journey into an unknown realm, where the air was thick with unspoken emotions and the silence amplified my racing thoughts. My mind flashed through memories of Veer's reserved nature and Ranvijay's quiet strength, mingling with the immediate reality of the moment. I could feel the gentle pressure of Ranvijay's hand around mine, his grip strong yet comforting, like an anchor grounding me in the present.

We reached the door of Veer's room, and I hesitated. My hand hovered just inches from the door, the wood cool against my fingertips. It was as if the door represented a barrier not just to a room, but to Veer's world, a world cloaked in solitude since she left. Sensing my hesitation, Ranvijay leaned closer, his voice a soft murmur in the stillness.

"You don't have to do this, Lia. He is just like you,he takes his time to open up to people. He has been the same since she left." His words were laced with a tenderness that wrapped around my heart, and when I looked up at him, I saw his eyes glistening with unshed tears. His gaze, normally so steady and composed, now revealed a depth of emotion that he rarely showed. The redness around his eyes spoke of sleepless nights and silent struggles, a silent testimony to the pain he was trying to contain.

Moved by an instinct I couldn't fully explain, I suddenly found myself saying, "Bend down."

Without a moment's hesitation, he responded, "Yes, ma'am," and bent down to my level. His compliance was immediate and unquestioning, a reflection of the trust that had grown between us.

I cupped his face in my small palms, feeling the rough stubble of his jaw under my fingers. His skin was warm, contrasting with the coolness of the hallway air. Leaning in, I planted a delicate kiss on his right eye, feeling the flutter of his eyelashes against my lips. His eyes remained closed, a silent surrender to the comfort I was offering. I moved to his left eye, my kiss equally gentle, hoping to impart some of the peace I felt.

Shifting slightly, I leaned forward to kiss his forehead. As I did, a single tear escaped from his closed eyelid, tracing a path down his cheek. The sight of that tear, so raw and unguarded, pierced my heart. I placed a reassuring kiss on his forehead, my lips lingering there as if to seal a promise of understanding and support. My fingers threaded through his hair, playing with the strands softly, each touch a silent affirmation of my presence.

In that moment, the weight of his emotions seemed to envelop us both. His vulnerability was laid bare before me, a stark contrast to the stoic demeanor he usually wore. My heart ached for him, for the burden he carried and the pain he kept hidden. Yet, alongside that ache, there was a powerful connection forming, a bond forged in the quiet exchange of comfort and understanding.

As I looked at him, I saw a mixture of relief and sorrow in his expression. His closed eyes and the way he leaned into my touch spoke volumes of his need for solace, a need he rarely acknowledged. My presence, my simple act of kindness, seemed to provide a respite from the storm of emotions swirling within him.

We stayed like that for a while, time losing its meaning in the stillness of the hallway. Each second was filled with a profound sense of empathy and shared strength. Ranvijay's breathing slowed, becoming more measured, as if my touch had the power to steady him. His hand, which had been gripping mine so tightly, gradually relaxed, the tension easing away.

Eventually, he opened his eyes, meeting my gaze with a look that conveyed more than words ever could. There was gratitude in his eyes, but also a renewed resolve, a determination to face whatever lay ahead with a bit more courage. I felt a swell of pride and affection for him, knowing that in some small way, I had helped lighten his load.

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