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Alaia woke up early the next morning, her heart already pounding with anxiety. She lay in bed for a few moments, trying to take deep breaths to calm herself, but the familiar tightness in her chest remained. She finally grabbed her phone and typed out a quick message to Rann:

"Good morning! Just wanted to ask, is there anything specific I should wear for tonight? And should I bring anything as a thank you for inviting me?"

After hitting send, Alaia forced herself out of bed and into her morning routine. She took a long shower, hoping the warm water would help soothe her nerves, but the anxiety still gnawed at her. She made herself a light breakfast, but her appetite was nonexistent. Instead, she focused on the repetitive motions of preparing coffee, hoping the routine would distract her mind.

Every few minutes, Alaia found herself checking her phone, willing it to buzz with Rann's reply. Each time it remained silent, her heart would race a little faster, and her thoughts would spiral. What if she wore the wrong thing? What if his family didn't like her? What if she said something wrong? The questions looped endlessly in her mind, each one more daunting than the last.

She tried to distract herself by picking out an outfit. She settled on a simple, elegant dress that usually made her feel confident, but today it felt inadequate. Still, she laid it out on her bed and stared at it, second-guessing her choice every few seconds. She checked her phone again. Nothing.

The minutes felt like hours as she paced around her apartment, unable to focus on anything. Her anxiety disorder always made waiting unbearable, but today was particularly hard. Meeting Rann's family was a huge step, and the fear of not being liked weighed heavily on her.

Finally, her phone buzzed, but it wasn't a text. It was a call from Rann. Her heart skipped a beat as she answered, her voice trembling slightly.

"Hey," he said warmly. "Sorry for the delay, I was in a meeting.Just wear something you're comfortable in. And as for bringing something, just having you there is what matters most."

Alaia took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice, but the anxiety made her words come out shaky. "Th-thank you, Rann. I'll, um, I'll bring some pastries. And I'll try to find something nice to wear. I just... I really want to make a good impression."

"You will," Rann replied reassuringly.

Ranvijay's POV

As I sensed the tremble in Alaia's voice, I felt a pang of hurt. It wasn't just sympathy for her nerves; it was a deep ache that she was going through this turmoil. "Th-thank you, Rann. I'll, um, I'll bring some pastries. And I'll try to find something nice to wear. I just... I really want to make a good impression," she stuttered, her anxiety palpable even over the phone.

"You will," I assured her, my voice soft with understanding. I knew she needed the reassurance, but I also knew mere words wouldn't be enough to calm her racing thoughts. Making a split-second decision, I checked my schedule, realizing she wouldn't easily calm down. I descended the stairs from my office, the steps feeling heavier than usual, each one echoing with Alaia's nervousness. As I reached the ground floor, I quickly drafted an email to my PA, ordering her to reschedule my afternoon meeting.

"Just take deep breaths, Alaia," I encouraged softly, sensing her distress even from a distance. "I'll be there for you every step of the way."

As I drove to her house, still on the call with her, I spoke sweetly, trying to soothe her nerves. The gentle hum of the car's engine provided a steady rhythm to our conversation, and I found solace in the sound, hoping it would bring some calm to Alaia's racing thoughts. With each passing mile, I could feel her anxiety slowly ebbing away, replaced by a tentative sense of relief.

Upon reaching her neighborhood, I navigated the familiar streets with ease, my mind focused solely on Alaia and the comfort I hoped to provide her.
And to find the reason what made Lia so sensitive, to burn all the things that haunt her, to protect her from this cruel ugly word.When I finally arrived at her doorstep, I hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath to steel myself for what lay ahead. The weight of her nervousness hung heavy in the air, almost tangible in its intensity.

I rang the doorbell, the sound reverberating through the quiet neighborhood, and waited with bated breath for Alaia's response. A few moments passed before I heard her voice through the intercom, her words tinged with a hint of apprehension as she asked me to stay on the call while she went to answer the door. I could sense the anticipation in her voice, the nervous energy practically crackling in the air.

As the door swung open, revealing Alaia standing on the other side, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of me standing there. Without a word, I took a step forward, closing the distance between us in an instant. The warmth of her presence enveloped me, easing the ache in my chest as I reached out to pull her into a tight embrace.

For a moment, we stood there, locked in each other's arms, the world around us fading into insignificance. I could feel the tension slowly melting away, replaced by a sense of calm that washed over us like a gentle wave. In that moment, all that mattered was the warmth of Alaia's embrace, the steady rhythm of her heartbeat echoing in sync with my own.

As I held her close, I whispered words of comfort, my voice soft and soothing against her ear. I felt her tense muscles gradually relax, the weight of her anxiety lifting with each passing second. In that embrace, we found solace in each other's arms, a silent reassurance that no matter what lay ahead, we would face it together.

We pulled away from each other, a sense of serenity settling over us like a blanket. Alaia looked up at me, her eyes shining with light tears and a little smile, and I couldn't help but return her smile with one of my own. In that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges we may encounter, as long as we had each other, we would always find our way through.

With a gentle smile, I leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, a silent reassurance of my support and affection. The gesture seemed to calm her nerves even further, and a soft sigh escaped her lips as she leaned into the warmth of the embrace.

As we pulled away from each other, a playful glint sparkled in my eyes, and I couldn't resist teasing her gently. "Looks like you've got everything covered," I remarked with a chuckle, my tone light and teasing. "You don't need to worry about a thing. You have a man who will help you choose the perfect dress and even chauffeur you for the evening."

Alaia's laughter filled the air, a melodic sound that brought a smile to my lips. "Well, aren't I lucky," she teased back, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she playfully nudged me.

I grinned in response, enjoying the playful banter between us. In that moment, as we stood on her doorstep, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of affection for Alaia. Despite her nerves and insecurities, she faced each challenge with grace and resilience, her strength of character shining through.

As we shared this lighthearted moment, I knew that no matter what the evening held in store for us, as long as we faced it together, we could overcome anything. And with Alaia by my side, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and contentment that never once in my life I felt after that one day, but this woman, she brings all shiny sparkles and glitters to my life, and I feel a sense of comfort under this rude fascade made for the world knowing that she was not just my partner, but also my rock and my confidante.

She is the one.

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