01 First Dosage

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"Humanity will end as soon as possible."

"We're gonna rule the world, we can be king and queen of our own castle."

"This is the twenty-second century. A new America will be reborn again."

Dr. Linus Javier began manufacturing capsules designed to transform humanity. These capsules will distributed for free, spreading all over the United States.

Capsule Facts
Serving size: 1 capsule
Active Ingredient: (in each capsule)

Temporarily relieves symptoms when bitten by a zombie.
Permanently prevents transformation into a zombie if taken before being bitten.

This product can only be consumed exactly at midnight.
Not following the specified time may result in death.

Any human being can consume.
Do not take more than the serving size (overdose may occur).

Other information:
Please store in a cool, dry place and keep out of reach of zombies.
Use by the expiration date on the package.

Bethany Morgan and Apollo Dale, his co-workers, helped him establish the Haven Foundation Incorporated.

Haven Laboratory, equipped with the latest technology, is where Dr. Linus Javier conducts numerous experiments and manufactures capsules daily.

Dr. Javier informs that his former co-worker Dr. Addison has built a Safe Zone in Arizona. He plans to create a holocaust in Arizona to defeat her. He begins by manufacturing various capsules and collecting rare zombies for study and development.

March 2104

After residents of the Safe Zone in Arizona hear a radio broadcast informing them that Dr. Javier has created a capsule as the first dosage of a vaccine to stop the zombie outbreak, rumors spread. Dr. Addison makes a special announcement regarding the news. Nearly twenty thousand survivors gather in a waiting area to hear Dr. Addison speak.

"My beloved residents, hear me out. I know many of you are confused and lack knowledge about the capsule created by Dr. Javier, but it is false information," Dr. Addison informed, but the residents interrupted her, creating a cacophony and discussing the rumors.

"You're not concerned about your people! We need the vaccine. For years, we've been stuck behind these thick walls, still afraid of the zombies outside. It feels like a prison," a resident shouted, disagreeing with her. This creates a conflict among the residents; some believe Dr. Addison, but many do not.

"A prison? The Safe Zone is the reason we're living a free and comfortable life. We should be grateful and trust Dr. Addison more than them," Maggie spoke out, believing in Dr. Addison.

"It is false information because the capsule is the real reason this zombie outbreak happened. Believe me or not, but this is the truth. Dr. Javier and I were co-workers in his laboratory before. I can say he was a great scientist, but over time, he changed after his wife and child were murdered by unknown criminals in Florida. I saw how it started with our co-worker, Dr. Steven, who turned into a zombie after swallowing the capsule. Dr. Javier created these capsules out of anger, both at himself for not protecting his family and at the criminals who keep murdering people every day. He conducted numerous experiments, and now, in the new century, his plan has worked," Dr. Addison explained. Some residents listened to her, but many disagreed.

"I am still studying the remaining capsules brought here. Don't be too hasty; a real vaccine will be created by me as soon as possible," Dr. Addison announced. Many residents can't wait for the vaccine, and suddenly a man speaks out.

"Pardon? We won't wait for it. People, I will introduce myself. I am Kirby McCain. Anyone who disagrees with her, join me. We're going to a new Safe Zone in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the capsules as the first dosage of the vaccine are waiting for us," Kirby announced. Many residents cheered and joined him. Dr. Addison walked out, ended the announcement.

"Looks like a lot of residents don't believe in Dr. Addison," Allie muttered, seeing many residents joining Kirby McCain's clan.

"It fears me. Residents will leave soon and risk their lives out there," Maggie said, worried.

"We can't stop them from leaving. Residents really want the vaccine," Duke replied.

"I think we should create our own clan for those who still believe in Dr. Addison and want to stay here in the Safe Zone," Louis suggested.

"You're right, my love. Some residents don't know where to go. We have to form our own clan," Maggie agreed, walking to an area to speak to the residents.

"People, I will introduce myself. I am Maggie Ryder. I believe in Dr. Addison because of her dedication to helping those in need, her determination to make a difference, and her commitment to prosperity. I know there are still some here who believe in Dr. Addison. We will create a clan for those who want to stay in the Safe Zone and not risk their lives out there. Join us," Maggie announced. Nobody listens at first, as many residents have already joined Kirby's clan. However, a woman approaches her, joining the clan.

"Thanks for trusting and joining us, even though nobody else has. What's your name and where are you from?" Maggie asked.

"I'm Lorie Wallingford, originally from Texas," Lorie replied. Gradually, more residents who still believe in Dr. Addison come out of fear and approach them. Despite the small number of supporters, Maggie still hopes for a better tomorrow and the creation of the real vaccine as soon as possible.

In Haven Laboratory, the manufacturing of capsules continues. The process involves dipping pins in gelatin solutions to form the shells, drying, stripping them from the pins, trimming, joining the cap and body portions, and polishing.

After a week, the machines produced almost fifty thousand boxes of capsules. Then, Bethany organized an event featuring the capsules created to transform humanity. The capsules will be tested on humans to prove their effectiveness.

"A pleasant night, America! Especially to my co-workers Linus and Apollo, and to all the businessmen and women here tonight. We have gathered here to witness our triumph over humanity," Bethany hosted. The audience began to cheer and clap.

The testing process started. Three participants were forcibly volunteered to consume the capsules. The participants were locked up inside individual cages to prevent any trouble. At exactly midnight, the first participant swallowed the capsule. As he swallowed it, he felt drowsy, then vomited blood and died. The second participant turned into a zombie after he swallowed the capsule. The third participant, looking scared, did not swallow the capsule exactly at midnight. Bethany, furious, suddenly shot the third participant in the head, killing it.

Bethany, along with her co-workers Linus and Apollo, still celebrated their triumph after the second participant became a zombie, proving the capsule's effectiveness in transforming humans into zombies. The three are planning to distribute the capsules soon.

After Celestia and her mother Bridget decided to leave the Safe Zone to reunite with her father three years ago, Charlie has spoken to no one unless it concerns Celestia or his interests. He is now 11 years old, while Celestia is a year older. His birthday wish last year was to meet Celestia again, but it did not happen. He will blow out his candles again this year on November 10th, but he no longer seems interested in his birthdays. He always waits in front of their door, room 19723, hoping one day they will meet again there.

"Charlie, please don't spend your time waiting for nothing here. Celestia is now with her father. You should be happy for her," Maggie said, worried as she sees Charlie patiently waiting and sitting in front of the door.

"You don't understand, Maggie. I miss her so much, and she promised that one day she would come back!" Charlie said, in tears, hoping for Celestia to return.

"I know what you're going through, Charlie. I also miss someone I admire, but please don't be too hard on yourself. I'm here for you. I'm your sister," Maggie said softly. Charlie immediately hugs her, tears streaming down his face as he misses Celestia.

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