chapter 2 :Jia Discovers Wang Yibo

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Jia Discovers Wang Yibo

Jia's heart skipped a beat as she scrolled through Twitter and saw Wang Yibo's face on her screen. "Oh my gosh, he's so handsome!" she squealed, her eyes wide with excitement.

She quickly typed out a tweet: "Just discovered the talented Wang Yibo! #MtjjLove #WangYibo"

As she hit the post, her phone buzzed with notifications. "Wow, so many likes and retweets already!" she exclaimed.

Suddenly, her phone beeped with an incoming message from a fellow Mtjj fan, @YiboLover4Life. "Hey, welcome to the fandom! We're so glad you're loving Wang Yibo"

Jia's face lit up with a smile. "Thanks so much! I can't believe how talented he is"

@YiboLover4Life replied, "Right?! We're all obsessed! Want to join our Mtjj fan group? We share updates, fan art, and more"

Jia's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds amazing! But, um, I have a confession... I have a huge crush on Wang Yibo"

@YiboLover4Life responded with a string of laughing emojis. "Haha, don't worry, we won't judge! We're all fans here 😂. I'll add you to our group and follow you on Twitter!"

As Jia waited for the fan group invitation, she felt like she was on cloud nine. "This is amazing! I can't believe I'm part of a community that shares my passion for Wang Yibo"

When the invitation arrived, Jia eagerly joined the group and started exploring the chat. "Wow, so many talented fan artists and writers! And they're all so welcoming"

One of the senior fans, @MtjjQueen, messaged her. "Hey, Jia! Welcome to the fam! We're glad you're enjoying the content. Just a heads up, we have some rules to keep our community positive and respectful"

Jia nodded eagerly, even though she was on the other side of the screen. "Got it, thanks for letting me know! I promise to be a good fan"

@MtjjQueen smiled. "We know you will be! We're happy to have you on board, Jia"

Author's POV

Jia was sitting by her window and was thinking about Wang Yibo.She couldn't get his thoughts out of her mind. From the last few days he was all she could think about.

Jia's mom entered her room and saw her lost in thoughts. She called Jia but Jia didn't respond. She went near her and shook her. Jia returns from her La La Land.

“ What happened mom?”

“ I've been calling you for a long time but you aren't listening to me.”

Jia apologised. Her mom asked her, being concerned, “ Are you ok Jia? I've been seeing you for a few days that you are always lost in your thoughts.. Is everything alright dear?”

Jia smiled reassuringly, “ Yeah everything is fine mom. Don't worry.”

“ You can tell me if something is bothering you Jia. I'm your mom, you can share things with me.”

“ It's nothing mom. I'm fine, seriously.” Jia smiled.

“  Ok if you say so. But please take care of yourself dear.” Saying this her mom left the room.

Mom is correct. I'm thinking about him way too much. It's not right. I should do something to avoid thinking about him.

From that day Jia did everything to divert her mind from Wang Yibo.She started to read books. Do crafting and all.

One day Jia was reading a book and the male lead of that book was an actor. Seeing this Jia started to think about Wang.

“ What the hell am I doing!!! I was reading a book to distract myself from thinking about him. But still I'm getting thoughts about him!! Arghhh” Jia screamed in her mind.

She tried very hard to distract her mind but nothing was helping her. All she could think about is Wang Yibo. She couldn't take his thoughts out of her mind.

Jia's POV

For a few days I was trying to distract myself from thinking about Wang Yibo but I was not successful. Wang Yibo’s thoughts isn't leaving my mind. I think I'm falling in love with him. But how is this possible!!

I don't even know him personally. I just saw his interviews , posts and performances. I just couldn't love a guy based on that right?!

Maybe it's just an infatuation! Yes it's just an infatuation, nothing else .!!

But his eyes are so captive. His personality is so charming and attractive. The way he talks, he walks, his way of thinking, his way of connecting with his fans all of these are damn attractive. He is so unique.

I just can't stop thinking about him. Maybe, maybe I love him?

“Arghhh this is so frustrating!! I'm so confused.. what should I do??!!”

“ Should I ask someone about this ?”

“ No no this is a bad idea…I can't let anyone know about this.”

“ Even if I love him then how will I express it to him! He doesn't even know that I exist!!”

“Ahhhhh it would have been better if I could have seen him personally. But wait, I don't think I have that much courage to tell him about my true feelings for him.”

Jia was going through inner turmoil. She was confused about her own feelings. And being an introvert, she couldn't share her feelings with anyone.

She was thinking all these being a mere crush. But she couldn't understand that all these were more than just a crush. She was falling hard for Wang Yibo but stupid she couldn't understand this!!

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