Chapter 12: Sarah Finds Jia

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Chapter 12: Sarah Finds Jia

Sarah arrived at Jia's house, her heart racing with anticipation. She had promised the Mtjj group that she would try to find out what was going on with Jia. As she rang the doorbell, she prayed that Jia would be okay.

The door opened, and Jia's mother stood before her, looking worried. "Sarah, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see Jia," Sarah replied, trying to sound calm. "Is she okay?"

Jia's mother hesitated before stepping aside to let Sarah in. "Actually, Jia is here. But she's not doing well."

Sarah's eyes widened in concern. "What do you mean?"

Jia's mother led Sarah to Jia's room. Sarah's heart skipped a beat as she saw Jia lying on the bed, looking pale and weak.

"Jia!" Sarah exclaimed, rushing to her side. "What happened?"

Jia opened her eyes, looking up at Sarah with a faint smile. "Sarah...I'm so glad you're here."

Sarah hugged Jia tightly, relief washing over her. "I'm so glad I found you. What happened? Why did you disappear?"

Jia took a deep breath, her voice shaking. "My father...he had a big accident. He's in recovery stage. I've been taking care of him."

Sarah's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no, Jia! I'm so sorry."

Jia nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I know. I've been trying to handle everything on my own. But it's been too much for me."

Sarah hugged Jia tightly, feeling a surge of sympathy for her friend. "You don't have to go through this alone, Jia. We're here for you."

As Sarah held Jia's hand, she knew that everything was going to be okay. She quickly pulled out her phone and sent a text to the Mtjj group. "Guys, I found Jia! She's safe, but her father had an accident. Let's all be there for her."

The group's responses came flooding in, filled with support and concern. Sarah smiled, feeling grateful that Jia had such a strong support system.

"Thanks for being here, Sarah," Jia said, her voice still shaky. "It means a lot to me."

"Of course, Jia," Sarah replied. "I'm here for you. How's your dad doing?"

Jia's eyes welled up with tears again. "He's still recovering. The accident was really bad. He has a lot of injuries and...and..."

Sarah hugged Jia tightly. "It's okay, Jia. You don't have to say anything more. Just know that we're all here for you and your family."

Jia nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Sarah. Just being here with you makes me feel a little better."

Sarah smiled. "That's what friends are for. And don't worry, we'll get through this together."

As they hugged, Sarah knew that Jia's road to recovery would be long and difficult. But with the support of their friendship and the Mtjj group, Jia would never be alone.
At the sets ( Live only with Me )

On the set of "Live Only with Me", Yibo was filming a romantic scene with his co-star, Liu Wen. He was focused on his lines and actions, but didn't really engage with Liu Wen beyond what was necessary for the scene.

"Action!" the director called out.

Yibo took Liu Wen's hand, gazed into her eyes, and delivered his lines. Liu Wen responded accordingly, and they completed the scene.

"Cut!" the director called out. "Great job, Yibo and Liu Wen. You two have amazing chemistry."

Yibo nodded briefly and quickly left the set to review the next scene's script. He didn't linger to chat with Liu Wen or anyone else, preferring to keep to himself.

Liu Wen watched him go, a understanding smile on her face. "He's really introverted, isn't he?" she asked the director.

The director nodded. "Yes, Yibo is a bit shy and prefers to focus on his work. But he's a talented actor and always delivers great performances."

Liu Wen nodded, her eyes still on Yibo's retreating figure. "I admire that about him. He's really dedicated to his craft."

As Yibo sat in his trailer, reviewing the next scene's script, he thought about his character's motivations and how he could bring more depth to the role. He wanted to perfect his performance and make the scene more believable. He read through the lines, imagining how he would deliver them, and thought about his character's backstory.

Yibo's character, Liang, was a complex one. He was a successful businessman, but also had a sensitive side that he only showed to those closest to him. Yibo wanted to capture that vulnerability, to make Liang more relatable to the audience.

As he read through the script, Yibo highlighted certain lines and made notes in the margins. He thought about Liang's relationship with his co-star, Liu Wen's character, and how he could make their interactions more authentic.

Just then, his assistant knocked on the door. "Yibo, the director wants to see you on set. They're ready to film the next scene."

Yibo nodded, took a deep breath, and made his way to the set. He felt a sense of focus take over him, and he knew he was ready to give his best performance.

As he arrived on set, he saw Liu Wen waiting for him. She smiled and greeted him briefly, but Yibo just nodded and looked away, feeling a bit awkward. He wasn't used to small talk, and he preferred to focus on the task at hand.

The director called out, "Action!" and Yibo began the scene, delivering his lines with conviction. He felt himself getting into character, becoming Liang. He could see the scene playing out in his mind, and he knew he was doing his best work.

The scene ended, and the director called out, "Cut!" Yibo felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing he had given it his all. He took a deep breath, relaxed, and waited for the next take.

As the day went on, Yibo continued to immerse himself in the character, perfecting his performance with each take. He was in his element, and he knew this was what he was meant to do.

Finally, the day wrapped, and Yibo made his way back to his trailer, exhausted but fulfilled. He knew he had given his best performance, and he couldn't wait to see the final scene.

As Yibo settled into his trailer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had given his all to the scenes, and he knew he had done justice to his character.

Just then, his phone buzzed. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should answer it. But something told him to pick it up.

"Hello?" he said, his voice was a little tentative.

"Yibo, it's Liu Wen. I just wanted to say great job today. You were amazing on set."

Yibo's face flushed with gratitude. "Thanks, Liu Wen. You were fantastic too. I loved our scenes together."

"I know we didn't get to talk much on set, but I wanted to reach out and say hi. Maybe we can grab dinner or something soon?"

Yibo's heart skipped a beat. No one had ever asked him to dinner before. He didn't know what to say.

"Y-yes, that would be great," he stuttered finally.

"Awesome! I'll send you a message with my number. Looking forward to it, Yibo."

Yibo hung up the phone, feeling elated. No one had ever shown such kindness to him before. He couldn't wait to see Liu Wen again, to talk more and get to know her better.

As he settled in for the night, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this newfound friendship. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something special.

And with that thought, he drifted off to sleep, a smile still on his face.

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