chapter 3: Sarah

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Chapter 3 : Sarah

Jia's fingers flew across her keyboard as she typed out her feelings in the Wang Yibo fanclub chat. "I can't believe how much I love him! His music, his acting, everything!" She hesitated before hitting enter, but her new friends' supportive responses put her at ease.

"Totally agree, Jia! Wang Yibo is amazing!" said one fan.

"I know, right? His smile lights up the screen!" added another.

Jia beamed with joy, feeling like she'd finally found people who understood her. They shared fan art, fic recommendations, and personal stories about how Wang Yibo's work had impacted their lives. Jia opened up about her own struggles and how his music helped her cope.

As they chatted, Jia's coffee cup emptied, and her room grew darker. Her parents called her for dinner, but she begged off, saying she wasn't hungry. Her mom insisted, so Jia reluctantly logged off and headed downstairs.

Her dad asked, "Hey, kiddo, what's going on? You seem a bit off lately."

Jia shrugged, not wanting to burden him with her fanclub excitement. "Nothing, Dad. Just college stuff."

Her dad looked concerned. "Is someone bothering you at college? You can tell me, Jia."

Jia quickly shook her head. "No, Dad, it's nothing like that. I promise."
As Jia sat down for dinner with her family, she couldn't help but sneak glances at her phone. She had just seen a tweet from Wang Yibo's agency, announcing a new drama project he'll be starring in! Her heart raced with excitement.

"Jia, put your phone away," her mom reminded her, smiling.

Jia reluctantly put her phone down, trying to focus on the conversation at the table. But her mind kept wandering back to Wang Yibo. What would his new drama be about? Would he play a romantic lead or an action hero?

Just then, her phone buzzed with a notification from Twitter. She quickly picked it up, trying to hide it from her family. Her eyes widened as she saw a series of video clips from Wang Yibo's agency.

The first clip showed Wang Yibo rehearsing a dramatic scene, his eyes filled with tears as he delivered a heartfelt monologue. Jia's heart melted at the sight of him pouring his heart out.

The next clip showed him practicing martial arts, his movements swift and graceful as he executed a series of intricate kicks and punches. Jia's eyes were glued to the screen, mesmerized by his athleticism.

The third clip showed him doing comedic improvisations, his face contorted in hilarious expressions as he bantered with his co-stars. Jia couldn't help but laugh at his goofy antics.

Finally, the last clip showed him sitting in a chair, looking directly at the camera with a charming smile. "Hello, everyone," he said in a smooth, deep voice. "I'm Wang Yibo, and I'm excited to announce my new drama project. Stay tuned for more updates!"

Jia's eyes were glued to the screen, her heart racing with excitement. She felt like she was getting a private glimpse into Wang Yibo's acting process, and it only made her love him more.

"Jia, what's going on?" her dad asked, noticing her distraction.

Jia quickly put her phone away, trying to compose herself. "Nothing, Dad. Just a funny video."

But her mind was still reeling from the excitement. She couldn't wait to see Wang Yibo's new drama and watch him bring his character to life!

After dinner, Jia hastened back to her room, eager to rejoin the chat. Her heart raced with excitement as she dove back into the conversation. They talked about their favorite Wang Yibo songs and music videos, and Jia felt like she'd found a sense of belonging.

As the night wore on, Jia's eyes grew heavy, but she didn't want to leave the chat. She finally bid her friends goodnight, promising to catch up the next day.

As Jia chatted with her new friends in the fanclub, she felt a sense of belonging she'd been missing in her daily life. She was sitting in her bedroom, surrounded by posters of Wang Yibo and her own fan art creations.

Just then, her phone buzzed with a text from Sarah, her neighborhood friend. "Hey, Jia! What's up? Want to come over and study for our exams together?"

Jia hesitated, not wanting to leave her fanclub chat. But she knew she had to focus on her studies too. "Yeah, sure! I'll come over in a bit," she replied.

As she closed her laptop and headed to Sarah's house, Jia felt a pang of guilt. She hadn't been spending much time with her family and friends lately, too caught up in her online fanclub. But she couldn't help it - the fanclub had become her escape, her happy place.

When she arrived at Sarah's house, they spent some time catching up before starting their study session. Sarah noticed Jia's fan art creations on her laptop and asked, "Hey, Jia, what's this? Are you into fan art now?"

Jia blushed. "Yeah, I've been making some art for a Wang Yibo fanclub I joined online."

Sarah's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm a fan of K-pop too, Jia! I love BTS and Blackpink. But I've been wanting to explore more Chinese dramas and music."

Jia's face lit up. "That's amazing, Sarah! Wang Yibo is a great place to start. His music and dramas are so inspiring. I can introduce you to the fanclub and we can fangirl together!"

Sarah squealed with delight. "Yes, please! I'd love to join the fanclub and learn more about Wang Yibo's work."

As they continued studying and chatting, Jia felt grateful to have found a friend who shared her passions. She realized that her online fanclub wasn't a separate entity from her real life, but an extension of her interests and hobbies that could bring her closer to others who shared her enthusiasm.

Sarah's eyes widened. "That's so cool! I had no idea you were into a fan club. Can you show me more?"

Jia grinned, excited to share her passion with her friend. "Yeah, sure! I can show you the fanclub chat too. We had so much fun discussing Wang Yibo's music and dramas."

As they spent the evening studying and talking about the fanclub, Jia realized that she didn't have to keep her online life separate from her real life. She could share her passions with her friends and family, and maybe even inspire them to join the fanclub too!

they spent the next few hours studying and gossiping. Jia tried to focus on her exams, but her mind kept wandering back to the fanclub and Wang Yibo's latest music video.

As the evening drew to a close, Jia realized she needed to find a balance between her online life and her real life. But for now, she was content to have her fanclub as her secret haven, her own little world where she could be herself without judgment.

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