Chapter 4

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After ending the call with Janet, I went about my day with all the normality of someone who had her small confidence once again shattered into pieces. It was not every day I heard so cruel remarks about my weight and how I was not "of course", someone's date. I had suffered this kind of cruel joke in my teenage years, but nowadays people would just ignore me and I would do the same thing with them.

I fully understood that obesity was something to be combated and that people should not praise it at all. I would not be a hypocrite and say that it was okay to be too overweight and that was normal to weigh double your normal size. But sometimes people could be so cruel with who was just a little more chubby than normal. Society wanted everyone thin with a specific kind of body. Even the thinner ones suffered because they didn't have too much of this or that. The celebrities were doing crazy things with their own body to sustain this kind of new fashion. Boobs, waist, butts, lips, everything was being modified to achieve one specific kind of look, which I found utterly disturbing.

So, when someone was trying to work hard on her own merit to be healthier and thinner, the fact she still had to deal with this kind of mockery and disregard was just so sad.

Why would Dimitri make friends with me, anyway? Because he pitied me? Because I was his new project? Or was he a jackass so stupid he couldn't assume he found me attractive, regardless of my size?

Well, now we will never know because I am not about to make friends with him, ever again. He and his six-pack, nice pecs, tight ass and his stupid nice-boobs-girlfriend could stay just away from me from now on! Okay, why I am praising them, anyway?! Ughhh.

I went to my job and had I quiet pleasant day at it. I received a compliment from a colleague saying I was looking nice and it made me flush with happiness. I think I was making some progress in not acting so surly and closed all the time. I smiled more and maybe people were noticing me for that reason. I was thinking about going to a salon, also, to do my hair, and nails, and to wax. I don't remember the last time I did any of those. But I didn't want to go because a guy I was fantasizing about had been mean to me. Maybe I should wait a little to see if it was the right move.

I changed into my training clothes and went to the new gym. I was already assigned to a trainer named Jason and was excited to continue with my progress and hard work. No one would stand in my way, that's for sure!

Arriving at the gym, I entered the place with a high level of confidence. I was hearing I See Red from Everybody Loves an Outlaw, and I was prepared to kick some tight slim asses if someone said anything bad to me again! Ok, that's a lie. I would probably not do anything of the sort.

My trainer greeted me with enthusiasm. He was very muscular and sweet and he praised my progress. He didn't ask why I changed gyms and for that I was grateful.

We started with some stretching and he put me on the bike for 30 minutes. I didn't like this exercise much but it was part of the process. After some time of training, I felt a presence beside me and had no doubt about who it might be. Of course, he would find out where I was. I don't know why he was bothering me, though.

I looked directly into Dimitris's eyes with a pleasant expression and a cold smile. I was not used to fights or calling someone out on their wrongings. I was more of a ignore and never-talk-again, kind of person.

"Charlie," Dimitri said with an almost irritated voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Training." I answered pleasantly.

"That I can see. I want to know why." He insisted, moving to stay right in front of me. He was very tense and looked quite mad.

"I decided to train in this gym from now on." I said simply.

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