Part 9: Sweet Moments on Campus

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Library, near the window where the sunlight streams in.]

[Red and Ann are sitting together, studying for an upcoming exam.]

Red: (whispering) Ann, you’ve got to see this.

Ann: (looking up from her book) What is it?

Red: (showing a doodle of a heart with their initials) Just a little something to remind you how much I care about you.

Ann: (smiling warmly) That’s adorable, Red. I care about you too.

Cafeteria, at a cozy corner table.]

[John and Jane are sharing a meal, laughing and enjoying each other’s company.]

John: (teasingly) Jane, you’ve got a little something right here. (points to her cheek)

Jane: (giggling) Oh no, where?

John: (wiping it off gently) Got it. You’re too cute, you know that?

Jane: (blushing) Thanks, John. I love our lunch dates.

Gymnasium, near the bleachers.]

Vanessa: (smiling) Thanks, Ethan. I had so much fun playing with you.

Ethan: (grinning) Me too. We make a great team, on and off the court.

Campus Quad, bustling with students.]

[Neon and Chloe are sitting on the grass, sharing a snack and talking.]

Neon: (offering her some chips) Want some?

Chloe: (taking a chip) Sure, thanks. Neon, I really enjoy spending time with you.

Neon: (smiling) Me too, Chloe. You make everything more fun.

(While Ken is in the library, still studying for her upcoming Quiz Bee.")

Auditorium, the day of the Quiz Bee.

[Ken stands nervously among other contestants, waiting for the competition to begin. Her friends, including Red, Ann, John, Jane, Migs, Bianca, Ethan, Vanessa, Neon, and Chloe, are in the audience, ready to cheer her on.]

Ann: (whispering to Red) Ken looks so nervous. I hope she does well.

Red: (confidently) She’s been working so hard. She’s got this.

[The Quiz Bee begins, with Ken answering questions confidently. As the rounds progress, her friends cheer louder with each correct answer.]

Host: (announcing) And the winner of this year’s Quiz Bee is... Ken!

[Ken looks shocked and then ecstatic. She walks to the stage to receive her trophy, her friends erupting in applause.]

Ken: (accepting the trophy) This is for all of you. Thank you for believing in me.

[Her friends rush to the stage to congratulate her, hugging and celebrating together.]

Lucy: (smiling) I knew you could do it, Ken. Congratulations!

Ken: (beaming) Thank you, everyone. I couldn’t have done it without your support.

Scene: Outside the Auditorium, after the Quiz Bee.

[Ken is surrounded by her friends, celebrating her victory. Red, Ann, John, Jane, Migs, Bianca, Ethan, Vanessa, Neon, Chloe, and Lucy are all congratulating her.]

Ken: (smiling) Thanks, everyone. I couldn’t have done it without your support.

Red: (grinning) You were amazing, Ken. We’re so proud of you.

[As they walk out of the auditorium, they notice Jessa, Bea, Matthew, Axel, and Martin standing nearby, looking menacing.]

Jessa: (mockingly) Well, well, well. Look who’s the big Quiz Bee champion. Think you’re so smart, huh, Ken?

Bea: (sneering) Yeah, just because you won some nerdy competition doesn’t mean you’re better than us.

Ken: (trying to stay calm) I don’t think I’m better than anyone. I just worked hard for this.

Matthew: (laughing) Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. You’re still a loser.

Axel: (stepping closer) You think your little friends can protect you?

Martin: (smirking) Yeah, what are you going to do when we’re around?

[Red steps forward, standing protectively beside Ken.]

Red: (firmly) Back off, guys. Ken earned that trophy fair and square. She doesn’t deserve this.

Ann: (joining Red) Yeah, leave her alone. Bullying her won’t change anything.

John: (glaring at the bullies) We won’t let you hurt her.

Jane: (nodding) That’s right. We’re here for her.

[The rest of the friends form a protective circle around Ken, showing their solidarity.]

Jessa: (rolling her eyes) Whatever. This isn’t over, Ken.

Bea: (snarling) You’ll regret this.

[The bullies walk away, but the tension lingers.]

Ken: (sighing) Thanks, everyone. I don’t know what I would have done without you.

Bianca: (hugging Ken) You don’t have to face them alone. We’ve got your back.

Migs: (patting Ken on the shoulder) They’re just jealous. Don’t let them get to you.

Ethan: (nodding) Exactly. You’re stronger than they are.

Vanessa: (smiling) And we’ll be here to remind you of that every day.

Neon: (grinning) We should celebrate your win and forget about those losers.

Chloe: (cheerfully) Yeah, let’s go get some ice cream or something. My treat!

Lucy: (smiling) That sounds like a great idea. Let’s go!

[They all walk together, chatting and laughing, leaving the confrontation behind them.]

Ice Cream Parlor, later that evening.

[The group is sitting at a large table, enjoying their ice cream and talking about the Quiz Bee.]

Red: (raising his cone) To Ken, the Quiz Bee champion!

Everyone: (cheering) To Ken!

Ken: (blushing) Thanks, guys. This means so much to me.

John: (smiling) You deserved it, Ken. You worked so hard.

Jane: (nodding) And you showed everyone what you’re capable of.

Migs: (grinning) We’re proud to call you our friend.

Bianca: (raising her cup) Here’s to many more victories!

Ethan: (laughing) And to sticking together, no matter what.

Vanessa: (smiling) Because together, we can handle anything.

Neon: (clinking his cup with everyone’s) Absolutely. We’re a team.

Chloe: (grinning) And nothing can break our bond.

Lucy: (smiling warmly) Here’s to friendship and facing challenges head-on

From Bullied to BelovedWhere stories live. Discover now