Part 10: Ice Cream Parlor, later that evening.

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Ice Cream Parlor, later that evening.

[The group is sitting at a large table, enjoying their ice cream and celebrating Ken’s victory at the Quiz Bee.]

Red: (raising his cone) To Ken, the Quiz Bee champion!

Everyone: (cheering) To Ken!

Ken: (gratefully) Thank you, guys. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.

[They laugh and chat, reveling in the joy of their friendship and success. After a while, they finish their ice cream and start heading out of the parlor.]

Outside the Ice Cream Parlor, a little later.

[The group is saying their goodbyes, some heading home while others linger to chat a bit longer.]

Chloe: (smiling) Thanks again for tonight, everyone. It was so much fun.

Ann: (hugging Chloe) Anytime, Chloe. We’re always here for you.

Neon: (grinning) Yeah, don’t forget that.

Ken: (patting Chloe’s shoulder) You’re part of our team, Chloe. We stick together.

Chloe: (feeling grateful) I really appreciate it, guys. You’re the best.

[As they part ways, Chloe starts walking home alone, feeling a sense of warmth from her friends’ support.]
Empty street corner, not far from the Ice Cream Parlor.

[Suddenly, Chloe hears footsteps behind her. She turns around to see Jessa, Bea, Matthew, Axel, and Martin approaching.]

Jessa: (sneering) Well, well, well. Look who’s all alone now.

Bea: (mockingly) Had fun with your little friends, Chloe?

Matthew: (smirking) Hope you enjoyed your celebration. It won’t last long.

Axel: (stepping closer) You think you’re so special hanging out with them.

Martin: (laughing) They’ll never really accept you.

[Chloe tries to walk away, but the bullies block her path.]

Chloe: (trying to stay calm) Leave me alone, guys. I don’t want any trouble.

Jessa: (getting in her face) Trouble? You’re the trouble, always pretending you’re one of them.

Bea: (pushing Chloe) Why would they ever want you? You’re just a tag-along.

Matthew: (taunting) Yeah, just like in the old days. You’re nothing without us.

[Chloe feels trapped and intimidated, but she tries to stand her ground.]

Chloe: (firmly) I don’t need you anymore. Just leave me alone.

Axel: (grabbing her bag) What’s the matter, Chloe? Can’t handle a little teasing?

Martin: (threateningly) Watch your back, Chloe. We’re not done with you.

[Chloe manages to break free and runs off, heart pounding with fear and frustration.]

Park bench, a few blocks away.

[Chloe sits alone, tears streaming down her cheeks. She feels hurt and betrayed by the bullies’ words.]

Chloe: (whispering to herself) Why can’t they just leave me alone? I thought things would be different now.

[Suddenly, Neon appears, having noticed Chloe running off earlier. She sits down beside her, putting a comforting arm around her shoulder.]

Neon: (softly) Chloe, are you okay?

Chloe: (sniffling) Neon, I... They won’t stop. I thought... I thought I could finally move on.

Neon: (squeezing her hand) You don’t deserve this, Chloe. None of us do.

Chloe: (looking up at Neon) They’re right, aren’t they? I’m just... I’m just a burden to everyone.

Neon: (shaking her head) No, Chloe. You’re part of our group because we love having you around. Don’t let them make you doubt that.

[Chloe nods, feeling a little reassured by Ken’s words.]

Neon: (firmly) We’re going to stick together, Chloe. They can’t break us apart.

[Chloe manages a small smile, grateful for Neon’s support.]

Chloe: (softly) Thank you, Neon. I needed to hear that.

Neon: (smiling) Anytime, Chloe. Now let’s get you home. I’ll walk with you.

[They stand up together, ready to face whatever comes next, strengthened by their friendship.]

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