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*Aliyah's POV*

"I gotta tell you something" she says looking up at me

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"I gotta tell you something" she says looking up at me. "I'm all ears" I say giving her a comfortable smile. "I uh don't really know how to say this but" She starts before taking a deep breath. "I like you Aliyah. Like a lot, and it scares me sometimes because I've never felt this way before, not even for my ex. I know we just met and whatever but the more I see you or talk to you it just gets worse, and I can't keep it a secret from you anymore" She says all in one breath. "Oh my. I didn't know you felt this way for me. It's a shocker" I say she looks up at me with nervousness in her eyes.

"Don't worry Mia I feel the same way. Just haven't had the balls to tell you" I say smiling at her. Once I say that I see a wave of relief wash through her body. "You do?" "Yes, Demi always have been since I first saw you" I say "No way, when?" "Back in 2022 when one of you're TikTok came across my fyp" I say laughing "Oh my that's.. That was a really long time ago" She says with a big smile on her face.

"Is that my sweetheart?" She asks pointing towards my right arm that's holding it. "Oh yeah.. I forgot to give it back" I say handing it back to her. "Thanks" she says grabbing it. "So you gonna ask me out or..?" She asks turning back to me.

"Well, you confess first so.." I say making her hit my shoulder. "I'm just kidding.. Demitra Kalogeras, well you like to go on a date with me?" I asked "Hmm let me think about it for a sec.. You know what it doesn't seem too bad, so yes I will go on that date with you" She says laughing "Great! When are you free?" I ask her "Uh I'm free anytime, just let me know"  "Tomorrow at 5 pm?"  "Sure why not" she says "Awesome I'll pick you up then" I say but before she could say anything Noah walks in.

"Hey guys Sunday said were leaving- I feel like I interrupted something.." He says cutting himself off. "Nope just talking" Me and her say at the same time. "Ok..ay" He says slowly walking away before fully Turning around and walking back to where he came from. "Let's go before everyone gets suspicious" I say.

We walk back to where everyone is and say our goodbyes then leave. "Guys Demitra told me she liked me" I say once we get into the car. "WHAT! FOR REAL?" they both ask at the same time. "Yes! we're going on a date tomorrow!" I say with a big smile. "Ohh myy godd!! I'm so happy for you" Nick says giving me and half hug since he's in the back and I'm in the driver's seat. "About time! You guys should have been together literally years ago" Chris says smiling and taking a picture of me.

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