Final game |11|

942 74 21

Sunday May 26th

I wake up to the sound of water running, as I start getting up Demitra walks out of the bathroom. "Good morning sleepyhead" She says walking over to her bed. "Morning, what time is it?" I ask her sitting up. "Uh it's 1:47" "WHAT!" I say grabbing my phone and looking to the time. "Shit im gonna be late!" I say getting up and putting my shoes on. "For what?" She asks confus.

"My basketball game!" I say finally putting my shoes on. "I'll see you later" I say opening the door then realize I didn't drive here. "Uh do you mind dropping me off? Don't really wanna call Nick, he's a slow driver." I say "Yes of course" She says with a laugh while getting up.

We get in the car and she starts driving to my house. She knows our address because one, the house party, And two apparently her and her sisters came here a couple of times while I was at practice.

We get to my house and she and she parks by the house next to us since our neighbors had some family over of something like that. "Thank you Mia, I appreciate it." I say getting out the car. "No problem" She says giving me a little smile. "Hey since you did that's for me, would you and you're sister like to come to my game? I mean I'm not forcing only if ya want to" I say which makes her smile even more. "Oh my god yes we would love to come!" She says "Okay great! Its at 2:50 so see you there! Also I'll send you the address" I say starting to walk to my house.

I get into my house then run up to my room and take a quick shower since I smell like alcohol. once I got out I changed into my lion's jersey and shorts, then get my shoes and put them into my bag. After that I started looking for the close sweater then see a blue sweater. I go over a grab it thinking it was mine until I turn it over and realize it's Demitera's sweater that she gave me last night. Shit I got so distracted with getting home on time forgot to give it back. I'll just give it to her when I see her at the game.

I put it on then I grab my phone and send her the address while heading downstairs where my brothers and parents are waiting for me. We all get outside and take two different cars since my parents and gonna have to go to work after the game. Their very busy people especially my dad. He's gone almost all the time since he's a lawyer, and my moms a paramedic. She home most of the time but not a lot, But they of course make time for days like this and make time so they can be with us and just hang out. I get in the car and of course before leaving I put on some music.

Nightcrawler ~ Travis Scott
Heartbeat ~ Childish Gambino
Saturn ~ Sza

"How has the party?" Nick asks me once I drove off. "It was good I guess, would have been better it you guys were there tho" I say "Aw did Ali miss us!?" Chris says "No ew never.." "Ahh that's cute she missed us!!" Nick says while recording me. "Nick I swear delete that" I say trying to grab his phone. "WOAH WOAH, TWO HANDS AND THE  STEERING WHEEL! IM NOT TRYING TO DIE" Nick says being drama. I roll my eyes at his Dramatic Ness then focus on the road.

I got silent again, the only thing that was heard was the wind due to the windows being down. I feel this anxiety feeling in my chest making me breathe harder feeling like I can't breathe. I couldn't hold in this secret in any longer, I have to tell them. Like now.

"Hey guys I gotten tell you something" I start "Alrightgo for it" Nick says. I sit there taking a few breaths while they sit there waiting patiently for me to speak. "I.. I uh like Demitra" I say feeling nervous. "Oh babe we already knew that" Nick says with a small laugh. "What.. Did Ben tell you?" I ask "No. Girl it was obvious" I hear Amanda say. "OMG NICK YOURE ON THE PHONE WITH ANDANA?!" I ask shocked seeing him on the phone with her. "Yeah she called me just right now to talk to you since you're not answering you're phone" Nick says heading me his phone. Chris takes it and holds it up for me.

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