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"uhm guys I just got off the phone with Rey" Finn says "what did he say" Damien says finally speaking  "Dominik's okay but he had a message for you" Finn says Damien stands up as he reads a text message

Message:dame I'm sorry I didn't want you to find me i just did it on accident I was just supposed to cut light it wasn't meant to be that deep. Damien I'm really sorry and I understand if you don't ever want to see me again. I'm sorry dame

"I wrote everything down because he was speaking on the phone and Rey said he had to go under a psychology test "w-why does he think it's his fault?" Damien question confused and hurt "i-it's not his fault h-he's the hurt one not me" Damien says stuttering and starting to cry again "I wanna see him, no no, I need to see him, he needs to know it's not his fault he's hurting a-and I need him to know it's okay" Damien says falling into finna arms crying "okay look I'll call reg and ask if we could go see him but I'm not sure he's allowed any visitors dame." Finn says rubbing Damien's back "he's on a suicide watch" Finn says Damien looks up
"w-hat why he doesn't wanna kill himself he said it was an accident" Damien says persistent

(Meanwhile the ride to the hospital)

"Dad I'm sorry, I-i didn't mean to I swear"Dominik says shivering "I know baby it's okay it's okay Dominik we're gonna get you help though" Rey says holding his hand and squeezing it
"I-it's so cold" Dominik says as they arrive to the hospital "I know baby I know"Rey says tearing up once they get to the hospital the paramedics run in with the gurney and Rey's told to wait in the waiting room about 30 minutes later a doctor comes out with a mask around his neck "hello, I'm your sons doctor, the surgery went very well he's all stitched up you may see him now" the doctor says showing Rey to his room "hey baby you doing okay?" Rey says going over to kiss Dominik's head "what does mom think?" Dominik asks quietly "she's immediately got on a plane she's coming home from Mexico immediately" Rey says putting his hands in Dominik's hair "hey baby the judgement day wants to see you" Rey says "they do?" Dominik says surprised "mhm baby they do, do you want to?" Rey says "yeah dad" Dominik says "okay then take a nap before they come so you can be rested" Rey says stepping out of the room around 9 o clock when raw ends the 3 members of judgement day arrive to the hospital "h-hey buddy" Damien says coming close to Dominik head he kisses and hugs his best friend Finn and rhea say "hi" to Dominik as well and they hang until "guys can I uh have a minute" Damien asks Rey, Rhea and Finn head out the room and Damien sits on the bed next to Dominik "dom why d-did you think I wouldn't want to see you?" Damien asks shockingly "dame i-I traumatized you" Dominik says shuddering "no kid you didn't dom I'm sorry you were struggling and I didn't see it" Damien says to Dominik "nothing in this world could ever make me stop loving you dom" Damien says holding Dominik's hands "dom I think you have a few visitors" Damien says relieved of the hard conversation Damien opens the door to see almost every superstar from the wwe Cody Rhodes, seth Rollins, Roman reigns, the LWO, Chelsea green, Liv Morgan, bayley, Austin theory, Grayson Waller, Sami Zane, Andrade, edge,the usos and so many more.they all bring gifts that include flowers, snacks really anything the could get their hands on that late at night. Cody stands out of the crowd and walks over to Dominik "Dominik we all want you to know if you're ever not feeling okay again you can come to ANY of us, and we mean it" Cody says as the superstars all smile at the youngest superstar laying in his hospital bed.

Dominik mysterio~self harmWhere stories live. Discover now