3 ~ tea leaves to a dark future

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THE FOLLOWING MORNING HERMIONE, RON, STELLA, AND HARRY all made their way down to breakfast in the Great Hall, being met with the unpleasant calls from the Slytherins.

"The dementors are coming! Ooooo!" Pansy Parkinson, Stella's sworn enemy since first year, when she called Hermione a mudblood. Safe to say it didn't end good for her — ended up in the hospital wing with a broken nose.

Stella shook her head, trying her best to ignore the remarks. Though Harry seemed to have a tough time brushing it off as he kept glaring over at them — specifically Malfoy.

Stella sat down opposite of Harry, next to Hermione. "Just ignore them, Harry. They're seriously not worth your time" She reminded him.

     "Who's not worth your time?" Fred and George appeared behind Ron, sitting down at the exact same time.

     Stella had learned the past years how to tell the difference between Fred and George, therefore she knew it was Fred who asked.

      "Parkinson and Malfoy" Stella sneered with an eye roll, reaching out for some bread.

     "You're still enemies with that Parkinson girl, Black?" George questioned, seemingly surprised.

      "Yeah, not my choice though" Stella said, taking a mouthful of bread in her mouth before continuing. "I mean, how's it my fault she keeps being so utterly stupid?"

     Everyone except Hermione snickered at her words.

      "Anyway" Hermione butted in, changing the topic. "I've gotta get off to class—"

     "Already? Divination doesn't start until 9" Ron stated, confused.

     Hermione shrugged her shoulders, standing up, while gathering her insane amount of books with her. "I'm going to the library"

     The whole group stared up at her in disbelief.

     "What?" Hermione asked, innocently. "I like to be prepared"

      And with that, she was off.

     "If it helps, Black" Fred said, looking pointedly at the raven haired girl. "I'm pretty sure Malfoy and Parkinson won't be so cocky once we beat them in the Quidditch game later this week" He smirked, knowing it would cheer her up.

      Fred had always been a brotherly figure for Stella, ever since she joined the quidditch team in her second year. Stella was positioned as a chaser. Once when Marcus Flint — the captain of the Slytherin team — had purposely pushed Stella off her broom, Fred had sent a bludger straight in his nose. He also came with flowers, alongside George, when she was in the hospital wing for it after breaking her arm in the fall.

     Stella smiled. "That's true. Thanks, Fred"


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