6 ~ unexpected game of quidditch

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THE GRYFFINDOR TEAM WAS SAT IN THE CHANGHING ROOMS in the middle of hearing their captain of the team, Oliver Wood, giving them a pep talk for the days match against Hufflepuff. Or if you could call it that — Stella thought it felt more like a threat if she was being honest.

"Okay, listen up. This year will be my very last year on the quidditch team. Therefore we need to win this year, okay?" Oliver spoke sternly, eyes wide as he looked between his players. "Plus we have the best two beaters at Hogwarts!" He pointed to the two redheaded twins sitting together, obviously.

Then he moved on to the only three girls on the team — Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Stella Black.

"Our brilliant trio of chasers!" He exclaimed with a smile. "And of course our star boy seeker who's never failed us once!" He pointed to Harry, sat next to Stella. His expression changed slightly as he inched closer to him. "And please let it not be today that you fail, Potter"

Harry and Stella shared a look as Oliver moved on.

"Last but not least our keeper... none other than... Oliver Wood!"

     The team clapped for him, knowing it would cheer him up and hopefully make him less hard on them if they failed. Either way Stella actually felt that they could win today's match against the Hufflepuff's.

     Plus she knew how important it was for Wood that they did great, therefore she knew everyone would do their absolute best for his sake. Stella would definitely do her best — even if she ended up with a bloody nose or a broken bone if that was what it took, she would do it.

     And honestly Stella had grown quite used to breaking stuff and hurting herself in quidditch due to her extremely bad balance. Madam Pomfrey had even advised her once to quit, according to the amount of visits she had at the hospital wing. But Stella didn't give up.

     "Don't worry, Olli" Stella smiled, standing up. "We're gonna do great"

      Wood placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I damn hope so" As he turned to ready himself for the match, he remembered something. "Oh, and Black"


     "Try not to hurt yourself this time"

     Stella sighed. "Ha ha" She said, sarcastically as the team chuckled, knowingly.

The Gryffindor team got ready and walked out to their starting point. Even though Stella had done this a lot times before eventually, she always found herself being nervous just before they have to play a game. A thing that made it a little bit better was knowing that it wasn't the final match yet. The final game was located weeks ahead, luckily.

Lee Jordan's voice sounded — revealing the match was about to begin.

Here it goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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