4 ~ a hyppogriff's nature

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STELLA WOULD BE LYING IF SHE SAID SHE DIDN'T think about yesterday's discoveries. On one hand she didn't quite believe it, since it's literally just dregs forming a figure in a cup. Though on the other hand, something about it frightened her — Sirius Black. She couldn't help but wonder if the Grim had something to do with her father, and the fact that Harry had told her that he was after him and Stella.

Luckily, all her thinking was overdone by the excitement she felt about their first Care of Magical Creatures class. Most importantly — with Hagrid, which made it a lot better.

The four friends made their way down to Hagrid's hut, then turned a right to a grass field not far from his house. Stella's eye caught some green uniforms.

     Stella sighed. They were having the class with the Slytherins. This wasn't gonna end well, she thought.

"Gather 'round here!" Hagrid called. "First thing I'll want ya' to do, is open ya' books!"

     "How?" Malfoy asked, his tone coated in annoyance.

"Stroke it" Hagrid replied, simply.

Stella looked down at her hands where the book, The Monster Book of Monsters, lied growling up at her. She did as Hagrid said, turning it to the side and stroking the spine a few times. To her surprise, it calmed the book down and opened itself.

     "I think they're funny" Hermione said.

     "Yeah, terribly funny. Really witty" Draco mocked. "Wait until my father hears that they've got this oaf teaching classes"

     His fellow Slytherins laughed at his joke.

     "Shut up, Malfoy" Harry warned, slowly moving towards him.

     Malfoy smirked before handing over his bag to one of his friends and scurrying over to meet Harry halfway.

Something shifted in Stella suddenly, when she heard Malfoy talking badly about Hagrid and seeing the way Hagrid's face faltered... she had to say something. Building up her confidence she spoke. "Shut it, Malfoy. We don't care one bit about what your terrible excuse of a father has to say" She sneered, and that's when Malfoy met her eye.

     Malfoy's entire face curled up in rage. "How dare you speak of my father! Besides, who are you to judge, considering you're the daughter of a murderer! Wouldn't be surprised if you ended up just like him — locked up, a psycho—"

     "Shut up, Malfoy" Harry threatened, his voice much lower and serious this time.

     "Or what, Potter?" Malfoy spat. "She deserved what she got, don't you agree?" He smirked, looking past Harry and over at Stella whose face had now fallen. "Her own murderous father didn't even want her—"

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