chapter 31

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" what a nice view "

A deep voice interrupted them making the room go silent as they all turned their head to look towards the owner of the voice. The man entered the room, his voice commanded attention, causing a abrupt hush to fall over the members.

The man stood straight with his arms crossed over his firm and toned chest. His shoulders are broad and well developed, leading to strong arms that immediately catch the eye . Everyone in the living room stood up from the couch while bangchan immediately ran towards him with a big smile on his face and suddenly hugged the man, making the man chuckle as he raised his palm and patted his ( bangchan ) head " Brother I missed you ".

Bangchan whispered softly, his voice slightly muffled because of his face buried in his chest, his arms gripping his brother tight not letting him go from the hug . Seeing his younger brother , Damien's usually stoic face softened, eyes glistening with love and warmth .

" I missed you too bro" Damien said in a soft tone patting his brother's back gently, both of them enjoying eachother's warmth , as Damien nuzzled his nose in bangchan's hair inhaling his scent, while bangchan kept his face buried in his chest . All the members watched them in silent but one member huffed in jealousy not liking the fact his boyfriend is so close to his ( bangchan ) stepbrother.

As bangchan kept his arms wrapped around Damien, he didn’t notice the tension brewing behind him. But it didn’t go unnoticed by Felix, the hotheaded, fiercely protective one among Bangchan’s boyfriends. Felix’s jaw clenched at the sight of Bangchan hugging Damien so warmly, his fists curling into tight balls as jealousy surged through his veins. His possessive streak had always been one of his more intense traits.“What’s this now?” Felix muttered, more to himself, though it was loud enough for the others to hear. The subtle tone of jealousy didn’t escape Minho’s ears. He shot a warning look toward Felix, but it was already too late—Felix had taken a step forward.

Bangchan pulled away from the hug, his eyes still sparkling with joy at seeing Bangchan. But the moment was quickly interrupted when he saw the storm brewing in Felix’s eyes. Before he could speak, Damien's voice cut through the tension."What's the matter, jealous?" Damien’s words were teasing, laced with that familiar edge of mockery he often used to rile people up. His grin was wicked as he glanced at Felix, clearly enjoying how easy it was to provoke him.

Felix’s face darkened. "You got something to say?" His voice was low, threatening even, as he squared his shoulders, his fiery temper bubbling just under the surface."Relax, Felix," Jeongin said from his spot on the couch, raising a hand in a lazy attempt to diffuse the situation. "It’s just a hug. You know Damien. He’s harmless."But Felix wasn’t in the mood to be calmed. He took another step toward Damien, his eyes narrowing.

“He better be.”Damien chuckled darkly, clearly unfazed by Felix’s attempts at intimidation. “What, you think I’m trying to steal your boyfriend? Please. I’m not interested .”Bangchan, feeling the tension rise between the two men, quickly stepped between them. “Guys, calm down,” he said, his voice soft but firm, his gaze darting between them.

“It’s nothing. Damien was just messing around.”Minho, ever the peacemaker, stood up and placed a gentle hand on Felix’s shoulder. “Felix, don’t let him get to you. Damien likes to push buttons. You know that.”Behind them, changbin , who had been quiet up until now, leaned forward from his spot in the corner. “Seriously, man, don’t make a scene. We’re all here for bangchan. Let’s just chill, yeah?”There was a collective murmur of agreement from the others.

Even Felix’s hot temper seemed to simmer down slightly as the others spoke, though his eyes still flickered with barely-contained frustration. It was clear that Damien’s teasing had hit a nerve, and Felix wasn’t one to forget so easily.But Damien wasn’t done. He leaned in closer to bangchan, just enough to make Felix grit his teeth again. “Tell your boyfriend to lighten up,” he whispered with a smirk. “Before he pops a vein.”Bangchan shot his stepbrother a look that clearly said ‘enough,’ but Damien just winked and backed away, satisfied with the chaos he had caused.

He walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge and cracking it open, as though nothing had happened.Bangchan exhaled, tension still thick in the air. He turned back to Felix, resting a hand on his arm. “Hey, it’s just Damien being Damien. You don’t have to worry about him.”Felix’s jaw was still tight, but he nodded, albeit reluctantly. “I just don’t like how close you two are sometimes,” he muttered under his breath, his eyes following Damien as he casually sipped his drink.

Bangchan smiled softly, stepping in closer to Felix. “You don’t have to be jealous. You’re the one I’m with,” he said, his voice soothing. “All of you mean something to me.”Hyunjin, always the laid-back one, stood up and stretched, his voice calm as he spoke to the room. “Alright, how about we all take a breather? We don’t need drama tonight.”The tension slowly ebbed away, though it lingered like a faint shadow in the room. Bangchan could feel Felix’s jealousy still simmering beneath the surface, but for now, it seemed to be under control. He smiled softly at all his boyfriends, grateful for their different energies and how they balanced each other out—sometimes with heat, sometimes with peace.

As the night pressed on, the mood began to shift once more, laughter and conversation filling the air. But Bangchan couldn’t help but notice the way Felix’s eyes never strayed too far from Damien, watching, waiting for the next subtle move that might ignite his possessive streak again.And Damien, of course, never missed an opportunity to throw a playful smirk in Felix’s direction, fueling the jealousy he so loved to tease.

Love you all <3 ❤️

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