chapter 33

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The cool night air greeted Seungmin as he stepped out of the car, the lights of his new apartment building glowing softly in the distance. His two hyungs stood beside him, each offering a mixture of excitement and concern on their faces. It had been a long time coming—Seungmin’s decision to move out on his own—and though his hyungs were reluctant to let him go, they knew it was what he needed.

You sure you’ll be okay?” wooyoung, the worried hyung, asked, his hand resting protectively on Seungmin’s shoulder.

Seungmin smiled, a small, reassuring gesture. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s just a few blocks from the office, and you know how much I’ve been looking forward to this.”

San, the one who was standing on the right side, gave a chuckle, ruffling Seungmin’s hair in that familiar, playful way. “Just don’t forget to call us, okay? And don’t let work stress you out too much.”

“I won’t, I promise,” Seungmin said, his voice soft but filled with determination. The excitement of starting a new chapter in his life was overwhelming, even if a part of him was nervous. Moving into his own place was one thing, but the prospect of starting his new job tomorrow felt even more intense—especially after the interview with his CEO, Damien.

His hyungs helped him carry the last of the boxes into the small, cozy apartment. After a few final hugs and words of encouragement, they said their goodbyes, leaving Seungmin standing in the middle of his new space, the door closing softly behind them.

For a moment, he stood there, letting the silence of the apartment wash over him. It was strange being alone like this, without the comforting noise of his hyungs in the background. But as he looked around, the excitement began to build again. The apartment was modest but perfect for him—close to his new job, with enough space to feel comfortable yet not too big to feel overwhelming.

He glanced at the pile of boxes scattered across the floor and sighed. There was a lot to do. He started with the basics, unpacking his kitchen utensils and arranging them in the cupboards. As he worked, his mind began to wander, unbidden, to the events of earlier that day—his interview with Damien.

Seungmin could still feel the flutter of nerves that had filled his chest when he first walked into Damien’s office. The CEO had been intimidating at first—tall, with a sharp gaze that seemed to see through everything. But it wasn’t Damien’s professionalism that had stayed with Seungmin. It was the way the man had let his demeanor slip, just enough to flirt, to toy with him.

He paused, his hands still holding a stack of plates as the memory came rushing back.

Seungmin had been seated on the leather chair in Damien’s office, trying to maintain his composure as he answered questions. But then Damien had leaned forward, just slightly, his body closing the distance between them, arms resting on either side of Seungmin, caging him in. The shift had been subtle, but Seungmin had noticed it immediately—the sudden intimacy of the space between them shrinking, Damien’s scent filling the air, his voice low and smooth.

So, Seungmin,” Damien had murmured, his lips curving into a half-smile that sent shivers down Seungmin’s spine. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

Seungmin had tried to deny it, shaking his head, but his body had betrayed him. He had blushed deeply, his cheeks burning as Damien’s gaze stayed fixed on him, watching every flicker of emotion that crossed his face.

I… I’m fine,” Seungmin had stammered, though the heat rising in his chest had said otherwise.

Damien had chuckled, a soft, almost predatory sound. “You blush so easily. It’s cute.”

The words had sent Seungmin’s heart racing, and at that moment, he felt completely trapped, unable to escape the intensity of Damien’s attention. It had taken all of his willpower to remain seated, to not fidget under the weight of Damien’s stare.

And now, standing alone in his new apartment, Seungmin felt the blush rising to his cheeks again, just remembering it. He could almost feel Damien’s presence again, the way the CEO had leaned in just a little too close, his breath warm and teasing as it brushed against Seungmin’s ear.

Seungmin shook his head quickly, trying to push the memory away. “Stop it,” he whispered to himself, feeling the warmth in his face intensify. He didn’t want to get distracted. He had work to do.

He set the plates down and moved on to the next box, forcing himself to focus on unpacking. But even as he arranged his books on the shelves, or set his pillows neatly on the couch, the thoughts of Damien lingered in the back of his mind. Every now and then, he would catch himself smiling faintly, his mind drifting back to that half-smile, the way Damien had looked at him—like he had all the time in the world to play with Seungmin’s emotions.

Ugh, stop thinking about him,” Seungmin muttered to himself again as he placed a few framed photos on the mantelpiece. He didn’t want to admit it, but the memory of Damien’s flirtation made him feel… something. A mixture of embarrassment and curiosity, perhaps. And maybe, just a little thrill.

Hours passed as he worked, the once-empty apartment slowly transforming into a home. He arranged the furniture, set up the kitchen, and unpacked his clothes, hanging them neatly in the closet. Each task brought a sense of accomplishment, but also a growing exhaustion. By the time he finished, it was well past midnight.

Seungmin flopped down onto his bed, sighing as he stared up at the ceiling. The room was dark now, the only light coming from the faint glow of the streetlamps outside. His body ached from all the unpacking, but it was a satisfying kind of tiredness, the kind that comes from making progress.

He closed his eyes, his mind still buzzing with thoughts of Damien, of the way the man had made him feel in such a short span of time. It was unnerving, how easily Damien had gotten under his skin, how quickly his defenses had crumbled in the CEO’s presence.

“I need to focus,” Seungmin mumbled to himself, his voice soft as he sank deeper into the pillows. “Tomorrow’s a big day…”

But even as he drifted off to sleep, his last thoughts weren’t of work or his new apartment. They were of Damien—his sharp smile, his teasing words, and the way his presence had lingered long after the interview had ended.

With a final, quiet sigh, Seungmin fell into a deep sleep, the soft hum of the city outside his window lulling him into dreams he couldn’t quite escape.


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