Boston Outskirts- Chapter Forteen

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i've rewritten all the previous chapters and changed them slightly (nothing too drastic) so maybe give it a quick reread <3

also i've changed the cover lol, hopefully no body gets confused 😭💗


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i'm about to speak up and say something; really just anything to fill the tense silence when Tess abruptly grabs Ellie's arm, muttering out a "come on" and practically dragging her to the front doors.

"Tess-" Joel says in confusion but only to be cut off by a louder "come on."

"Tess." he repeats even louder but she ignores him once again.
"the fuck." i mutter out, quickly following up the stairs with Joel.

She practically storms into the building, her finger ready on the trigger of her revolver, like she's expecting danger to jump out at any moment.

one of my feet slides slightly across the floor a couple steps in and my gaze shifts down onto the floor, revealing a small puddle of blood that clings onto my boots, bodies and bodies laying on the hard ground.

the evening sun streams in from the several large windows, the light illuminating all the different lifeless corpses before us, presumably fireflies.

"i mean- there's gotta be a fuckin' radio or something. right?" Tess speaks up breathlessly, a level of panic in her voice that my gut can't help but cling too as she desperately searches around the place for.. god knows what... a sign of hope?

"who killed them.. Fedra?" ellie says in confusion.

"infected." i murmur, gesturing to a bite mark on the jaw of a random soldier.

"one of them got bit. the healthy ones fought the sick ones. everyone lost." Joel grumbles in agreement, his hard eyes scanning round the room for any more infected.

"Tess what are you doing?" he scoffs and turns round to Tess who's still frantically searching the crates and bags.

"where did Marlene say that she was taking you?" she almost shouts and rushes over to us, making me take a step back in surprise.

"it's fine. we can just take her back and i'm sure you'll get your shit another way. and besides, i wouldn't exactly take Marlene's words for the exact truth." i speak bluntly, spotting my pistol into the back on my jeans.

"Ellie." she snaps even louder, her voice slightly shaky.

"uh- i don't know. just west." Ellie scoffs in confusion.

"just west.. fuck okay. i mean one of them gotta have a map on them, right?" she laughs in panic, pacing round the room, my eyebrows furrowing in hesitation.

"joel can you help me-" she says shakily.

"no!" Joel snaps, his stance firm. "Tess, it's over, we are going home."

"that's not my fucking home!" she snaps in a loud voice, standing up and throwing her arms out.

a silence fills the room; a tense, distressed silence. my eyes flick over to Ellie, her gaze meeting mine with a questioning look.

There's always a light - Joel Miller x readerWhere stories live. Discover now