Diary Of Broken Heart #11

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Chapter 11: Saw Nathan with Another Girl

The fragile peace Nathan and I had painstakingly rebuilt seemed to be holding, even if only by a thread. Our conversations were more frequent, our time together more intentional. I dared to hope that maybe, just maybe, we were finding our way back to each other. But that hope was shattered on a sunny afternoon when I saw Nathan with another girl.

It was a Friday, and I had left work early, eager to surprise Nathan with a homemade dinner and a quiet evening together. As I walked towards our favorite café to grab a few pastries for dessert, I saw him. Nathan was sitting at an outdoor table, laughing and chatting with a woman I had never seen before. She was striking, with long, flowing hair and a radiant smile. The sight of them together, so comfortable and intimate, sent a jolt of pain through my heart.

I froze, unable to move or breathe. The scene before me was surreal, like a nightmare unfolding in broad daylight. Nathan leaned closer to her, his expression animated and relaxed, a stark contrast to the distant and tired man I had come to know in recent months. My mind raced, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. Who was she? Why was he with her? And why did he look so happy, so at ease, when our own relationship felt like it was hanging by a thread?

I took a step closer, my heart pounding in my chest. As if sensing my presence, Nathan looked up and saw me. For a moment, his eyes widened in surprise and something else I couldn't quite decipher—guilt, perhaps, or fear. He stood up abruptly, his smile vanishing as he called my name.

"Alex! This isn't what it looks like," he said, hastily moving towards me.

But his words barely registered. I felt a surge of anger and betrayal, the ground shifting beneath my feet. "Who is she, Nathan?" I demanded, my voice shaking with a mix of hurt and fury.

The woman stood up, looking between us with a confused expression. "Nathan, what's going on?" she asked, her voice soft and uncertain.

Nathan turned to her, his face pale. "This is Alex. Alex, this is Sarah, a colleague from work."

"A colleague?" I repeated, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Is that what they're calling it now?"

"Alex, please, let me explain," Nathan pleaded, reaching for my hand.

I pulled away, my emotions spiraling out of control. "Explain what, Nathan? That you're spending time with another woman while our relationship is falling apart? That you can find time for her but not for me?"

Sarah stepped back, her eyes wide with realization. "I didn't know, Nathan. You never told me about her."

"There's nothing going on between us," Nathan insisted, his voice desperate. "We were just having coffee and discussing a project. That's all."

I wanted to believe him, to cling to the hope that our relationship could be salvaged. But the image of them together, so carefree and close, was seared into my mind. "It doesn't matter what you were discussing. The fact is, you chose to spend time with her instead of trying to fix what's broken between us."

Nathan's shoulders slumped, a defeated look in his eyes. "Alex, I know I've made mistakes, but this isn't what it seems. You have to believe me."

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "I don't know if I can, Nathan. I don't know if I can keep fighting for something that feels so one-sided."

Without another word, I turned and walked away, my heart shattering with each step. Nathan called after me, but his voice was drowned out by the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. I couldn't face him, couldn't bear to hear any more excuses or explanations. All I knew was that the trust we had been trying to rebuild was now irreparably broken.

That night, I sat alone in our apartment, the dinner I had planned to surprise Nathan with untouched on the table. The silence was suffocating, the emptiness overwhelming. I replayed the scene at the café over and over in my mind, each time feeling the sting of betrayal anew. The image of Nathan with Sarah, his easy laughter, and her bright smile haunted me.

I didn't know what to do or where to turn. The man I had loved and fought for had betrayed me in the most painful way possible. I felt lost, adrift in a sea of confusion and hurt, unsure of how to move forward. Our relationship, already hanging by a thread, seemed beyond repair. And for the first time, I truly doubted whether we could ever find our way back to each other.

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