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10/24/1901 - London:

I looked at the bustling streets, with the newly invented cars that all the rich people had. I was never like them and never would be. I was different. They were all clean, their hair looked nice and was cut short, they had wives and children, they knew how to read, and they all had nice clothes.

I was dirty, my skin color is white but most people see only little bits of my skin, the rest was covered in dirt. My hair was long, messy and had bits of trash and dirt in it. I had no one, my family died in a house fire.

I only know how to read simple words. My clothes have holes everywhere in them and are too small for me.

I sat with my back against a brick building, yet again eating rotten food, this time a rotten apple. I felt my teeth dig into the soft and mushy apple biting off large chunks of the apple.

I scoffed every time someone in a nice fancy new buggy passed by. Eventually I finished my apple and stood up, throwing the core of my apple onto the floor.

"All of these people with their classy cars and outfits, I can't stand them." I mumbled with anger in my voice.

I impulsively walked out of the ally and stood in the middle of the road.

"HEY WEATHY PEOPLE! WHY DON'T YOU PUT ME UP FOR SLAVERY!" I said without a thought in my mind.

A few moments later I realized my mistake. There was a buggy driving right towards me with no sign of slowing down. The man inside the buggy yelled.

"Get out the road dirt!"

I wanted to move but I was too scared to. My body was forcing me to hold my ground. Before I knew it I was hit, then everything went dark.

Note from the Author:
Everyone tell me if this story is going to be a good idea. I have some ideas for what's going to happen, but I want for you to tell me what you want to happen so please email,

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