~ Introduction ~

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OC Introductions:

Name: Aurelia
↳ Nicknames: Aura, Reli, Lia

Species: Unicorn

Element: Perseverance

Element: Perseverance ↳

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Magic Color: Purple

From: unknown
↳ Resides in: Snowfall Village


When Aurelia was born, she was abandoned by her parents in a village in the most northern part of Equestria.

She was left in Snowfall Village. Snowfall Village is a secluded village only home to the unicorns who can stand the harsh cold in the middle of the tundra.

Aurelia was luckily taken in by the Great Sage Polaris of the North.

Polaris was an older unicorn, one of the oldest in Snowfall. He is acquainted with Princess Celestia, known as the Great Sage of the North. Even though Snowfall Village is mostly out of the sun's reach during the day, Celestia always keeps the village in mind when rising and setting the sun, giving the village even just a few minutes of much-appreciated sun.

Polaris took in Aurelia not thinking much of it-he is regarded as the Mayor of Snowfall so he saw it as his responsibility to care for the philly.

After a few days of taking care of Aurelia, she was much better and Polaris was ready to send her off and to fend for herself again.

He packed her a small bag and was readying for her to part, when suddenly, a rainbow burst across the dark sky, striking something in Aurelia.

She went from sad she was being abandoned again, to hovering above the snow, eyes and mane glowing.

The next thing that happened after a flash, the whole of Snowfall Village was out of their homes, admiring the sky glowing in different shades of green, blue, and purple.

Astounded, Polaris looks from the sky back to Aurelia, only to now see that she had gotten her Cutie Mark: a star with a trail of glowing lights. Her mane had also shifted in color, adding steaks of color.

Polaris immediately took Aurelia back in, looking to not be a paternal figure but to teach her to harness her magic powerfully and properly.

What Aurelia summoned wasn't normal lights, but the Northern Lights-something Snowfall Village hadn't seen in generations.

The Northern Lights were originally summoned by the founding family of Snowfall, but eventually, a tragedy unknown by most current-day residents struck Snowfall, and everyone fled. After the tragedy had ended, the unicorns returned home, except for the founders.

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