Chapter 7

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Ciel's POV~
I sat in my room. I wasn't in the mood to do work or do anything besides be alone.

I glanced over at my vanity and lifted myself off of my bed. I looked in the mirror of the vanity and sighed.

I was pale. I had bags under my eyes and I was sickly thin. I didn't look well at all.

I sat down in the chair in front or the mirror and remembered how my mother would sit here and apply her lipstick, ever so carefully. I saw my eyes tear up. Then I remembered how my father would kiss her freshly painted lips and have her light pink lipstick on his own. They would laugh and both hug me as the family dog would lick my smiling face.

I was crying now. I wanted my family back. I didn't know if this was a result of being depressed because of Sebastian or what but.... I wanted to die to be with my family.

I look the gun out from under my pillow and checked for ammunition. It had one bullet left.
"Perfect." I sighed as I brought the gun to my head.

The darkness of the dark room seemed to get heavier. The silence got even more eerie. My finger trembled on the trigger. I was hesitating.
'No' I thought 'I can't hesitate now, I should have done this sooner!' I mentally screamed at myself as I started to apply pressure on the trigger.
"What are you doing??" I heard a low voice shout and the gun was pulled away. I started to sob.
"B-But I w-want t-t-to die!" I struggled as I was pulled into a passionate kiss. That snapped me back to reality. It was Sebastian. He saved me.

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