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The familiar sound of volleyballs hitting the gym floor echoed through the air, punctuated by occasional shouts of encouragement and the screech of sneakers against polished wood. Tendou Satori, known for his unpredictable blocks and infectious energy, soared through the air with a grin plastered on his face, arms outstretched as he attempted a dramatic save. His laughter mingled with his teammates' cheers as the ball ricocheted back over the net.

"Nice one, Tendou!" Ushijima Wakatoshi's deep voice cut through the din, his stoic expression barely concealing a hint of amusement. As the ace of the team, Ushijima's presence on the court demanded respect and admiration, qualities he effortlessly commanded with his powerful spikes and unwavering determination.

Tendou flashed a thumbs-up at his captain before diving for another ball, his lithe frame contorting in mid-air like a dancer. His movements were fluid, almost poetic, a stark contrast to the fierce intensity that characterized him during matches. Today, however, something felt off.

A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over Tendou, catching him off guard. He stumbled slightly upon landing, a sharp pang of pain shooting through his side. Ignoring it, he pushed himself up, determined not to let a momentary weakness dampen his spirits. But the fatigue lingered, settling like a heavy shroud over his shoulders.

By the end of practice, Tendou found himself leaning against the gym wall, catching his breath while the rest of the team chatted animatedly nearby. He rubbed his temples, trying to shake off the dull ache that had settled behind his eyes. Maybe he just needed more sleep, he reasoned with himself. College life was demanding enough without adding volleyball practice to the mix.

"Satori, you okay?" Ushijima's concerned voice cut through his thoughts. Tendou straightened up, offering a casual wave.

"Yeah, just a bit tired. Probably stayed up too late studying last night," he replied with a grin, attempting to dismiss any worry in Ushijima's eyes.

Ushijima studied him for a moment, his gaze piercing yet filled with unspoken understanding. "Make sure you get some rest tonight. We have a big game coming up."

Tendou nodded, grateful for Ushijima's concern. He knew his captain cared deeply for the team, despite his often aloof demeanor. With a final nod of assurance, Tendou gathered his things and headed for the showers, the weariness in his limbs more pronounced with each step.

The hot water cascading over him offered some relief, washing away the sweat and tension of practice. But as Tendou stood under the spray, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong. His fingers traced absently over a small, tender spot on his side, a minor discomfort that he'd brushed off as a pulled muscle earlier.

As he dressed and made his way out of the gym, Tendou couldn't ignore the lingering fatigue that weighed him down like an invisible anchor. The walk back to his dormitory felt longer than usual, each step a testament to the growing heaviness in his limbs.

Slumping onto his bed, Tendou closed his eyes and tried to will away the exhaustion. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to shake it off, a sense of unease settled deep within him. Tomorrow, he promised himself, he'd rest properly.

Tomorrow, everything would be back to normal.


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