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The hospital room buzzed with an unusual liveliness as Tendou and Ushijima's former teammates and friends streamed in, their presence a welcome respite from the somber routine of the hospital. Laughter and chatter filled the air, momentarily dispelling the shadows of uncertainty that hung over Tendou's bed.

Kawanishi, Semi, Goshiki, and Shirabu entered first, each carrying a bouquet of colorful flowers and a box of Tendou's favorite snacks. They greeted Tendou with a mix of smiles and concern, their eyes betraying the worry they felt for their friend.

"Tendou-san, you're looking as cool as ever," Kawanishi joked, trying to lighten the mood as he placed the flowers on the bedside table.

Tendou chuckled weakly, grateful for their familiar banter. "Thanks, Kawanishi. Did you bring enough snacks for everyone?"

Semi grinned and held up the box. "Of course! We know how much you love these."

Goshiki leaned in closer, his eyes wide with admiration. "We've been practicing hard, Tendou-san. We can't wait for you to see our next game."

Tendou nodded, his heart swelling with pride for his teammates. "I'll be cheering for you, just like old times."

Old times.

Tendou felt weird saying that. His 'old times' seemed to be forever ago, but he knew it was only a few short months since his last game.

Shirabu, always the calm and collected one, sat beside Ushijima and offered him a reassuring smile. "He's in good hands with you, Ushijima-san."

Ushijima nodded gratefully, his gaze never leaving Tendou. "Thank you all for coming. It means a lot to us."

Throughout the visit, stories flowed freely—memories of their time together on the court, the victories and defeats that had shaped them as athletes and friends. They reminisced about late-night practices, team meals, and the unspoken camaraderie that had bound them together.

For Tendou, seeing his friends brought a wave of bittersweet nostalgia. Despite his weakened state, their presence lifted his spirits in a way that medicine could not.

As the afternoon wore on, the room filled with warmth and gratitude. They shared old jokes, exchanged updates on their lives outside of volleyball, and reaffirmed their unwavering support for each other.

Before they left, each teammate took a moment to say a few words to Tendou privately, offering words of encouragement, gratitude for his friendship, and promises to carry on the legacy they had built together.

Watching them depart, Tendou sighed contentedly, his heart filled with a renewed sense of hope. He glanced at Ushijima, who stood quietly by his side, a silent pillar of strength amidst the emotional whirlwind.

"Thank you for bringing them here, Ushijima," Tendou murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ushijima nodded, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. "We're in this together, Tendou."

And in that moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the hospital room grew quiet once more, they knew that their bonds of friendship would carry them through the darkest of days.

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