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Days blurred into weeks in the hospital room as Tendou's condition continued to deteriorate. His once vibrant spirit seemed to dim with each passing day, and Ushijima could do nothing but watch, helpless yet unwavering in his support.

Tendou now lay mostly bedridden, his movements limited, his energy fading. Ushijima stayed by his side constantly, his presence a silent reassurance in the face of Tendou's weakening health.

One afternoon, as Ushijima adjusted the blankets around Tendou, he couldn't help but feel a pang of anguish. "I'm sorry, Tendou," he murmured, more to himself than to his friend. "I wish I could do more."

Tendou managed a faint smile, though it didn't reach his eyes as it once did. "You're already doing so much, Ushijima," he said softly. "Just being here... it means everything to me."

Ushijima nodded, his throat tight with emotion. He had always been the stoic one, the pillar of strength for others. But now, as he watched Tendou struggle, he felt a storm of emotions raging within him—fear, grief, and a profound sense of helplessness.

In the quiet moments that followed, their conversations became fewer, replaced by a shared understanding that words could no longer convey. They communicated through gestures—Ushijima adjusting Tendou's pillows just so, Tendou squeezing Ushijima's hand in silent gratitude.

Their bond, forged through years of friendship and shared dreams, now faced its ultimate test. Ushijima grappled with his own grief, struggling to balance the need to be strong for Tendou with the overwhelming weight of his own sorrow.

But amidst the pain, there were moments of grace—brief respites where they found solace in each other's presence. Ushijima read to Tendou from their favorite books, the soothing cadence of his voice filling the room with a sense of peace.

And in those quiet hours of the night, when sleep eluded them both, they would lie side by side, their breathing synchronized in a silent rhythm of companionship. Ushijima would stroke Tendou's hair gently, whispering words of comfort into the darkness.

As the days turned into weeks and Tendou's strength continued to wane, Ushijima found himself clinging to every moment, every shared breath. He knew that their time together was slipping away, but he refused to let go.

For in the depths of their shared struggle, Ushijima discovered a love that transcended the boundaries of friendship—a love that was pure and unyielding, even in the face of imminent loss.

And so, he vowed to stay by Tendou's side, to fight alongside him until the very end. For their journey, though fraught with pain and uncertainty, was a testament to the enduring power of love and friendship.

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