Marj-Right I'm back,oh hello
Parent-i wish to make a complaint about one of your staff members
Marj-alright go ahead
Parent-that male staff member Winter won't let me in the baby room
Marj-well we do have a mouse in there until we get the all clear it's safe.
Parent-well,where am I suppose to Amy off to
Marj-well,the village hall has been nice enough to let us use it whilst we try to control the situation
Parent-well,it's not very professional to just spring this onto us as we arrive
Aves-maybe,well are not mindreaders who can read the future of course we didn't know there was a mouse in the room so can you please use your brains and stop yelling at someone who takes care of your child.oh and also stop asking if my dad is single he's not
Parent-well Reece being single was just a simple question and when I was asking Marjorie why didn't we know that the babies were re-roomed,don't have to be so rude
Aves-I was not being rude,that was just your answer so I recommend you drop your child off and get to where you need to be
Marj-bye,Avery was that really necessary to do.
Aves-yes,some of these parents need to open their ears and brains
Marj-wow,Winter was right,your definitely like the Knight siblings
Aut-well at least the fierce genes from us and I think Aves can discipline these parents better than you Marjorie
Marj-Autumn,I think she got it from me and the attitude from your brother
Aut-i think so to
Marj-now I think I should have sent you to your dad nursery after all Missy.
Aves-(sarcastic)wow,thanks mom
Sorscha-Hey Marjorie,why was Amy Mom storming out the building muttering filthy arshole under her breath
Marj-you can thank this child over here
Aves-Wow,again thanks mom
Sorscha-mom,Marjorie do you have to tell me something
Marj-yes,this is my daughter,my youngest one before you come at me.
Sorscha-i didn't know you had another daughter but why didn't I see it after,she looks like a female version of Reece.
Marj-Well lots of people don't even know I had another daughter and then they see she resembles Reece.
Sorscha-So what happend to make Amy Mom like that.
Aves-I gave that parent a piece of my mind like can they open up their ears and brains for once in their bloody life.
Aves-sorry,it is true
Sorscha-ok,I can see it now,where did she get that sassy attitude of hers from.
Aut-From me,Reece and Mia I think
Sorscha-well after that speech,that sounded alot like you.
Aves-so I'm guessing you're Sorscha then.
Sorcha-yes,I'm Sorscha and you're Avery, hope that's right.
Aves-yes don't worry it is right,don't worry about it.
Sorscha-so,you do have a soft side
Marj-well,I didn't know you had a good side
Aves-well it depends on how I'm feeling
Marj-you are something,now get your work done,you have your mock exams in 2 weeks
Sorscha-they have mock exams for year 8 now.
Marj-no,she's in year 9
Sorcsha-wait,mock exams for year 9 now.
Marj-yeah it's just to see their progress before they are sent to KS4
Sorcsha-ok,wow the school system is getting so weird now
Marj-its very different to what it was like back in the day that's for sure
Aves-done with my work
Marj-how have you done it already
Aves-it was just fill in the blanks,it's easier than our actual homework.
Marj-ok,how about you take this invoice to chef since I know I'm going to forget about it
Marj-please don't irritate anyone else or you will not be coming here again
Marj-oh yeah,can you tell Agatha there's a staff meeting tonight,she will be sitting at the reception desk
Aves-got it
Sorry for not uploading recently,I've been really unwell and I've had exams
Random Tale Of The Nursery Nurse
FanfictionA little insight on What happens if Marj and Reece had a 13 year old daughter and Carly as their biological child I hope you enjoy reading as much fun as I had writing it