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Sorscha-ok,so who are we waiting for to go home?

Char-well,we're still waiting for Stevie and Erica's mums to pick them up.

Sorscha-ok and who's getting Rowan and Lyla today.

Char-umm Winter said he will if he can shut down the room on time.

Sorscha-i hope they hurry up because I want to get home to see Clodaugh and Quinn,I miss them so much.

Char-Sorscha,didn't you see Quinn when you went to cover Winter for his lunch break.

Sorscha-yes but I just miss her so much.And I assume that since Mia's in town,you two are going back to hers.

Char-....yes but come on,she travels alot and I do miss my girlfriend.


Parent walks in


Char-oh good evening Stevie your mummy here sweetheart.

Parent-oh,Erica's mum has asked me if I can collect her also.

Char-oh OK,Erica go grab your stuff also,your Aunties here

Parent-so have they had a good day.

Char-they've had an amazing day and everything is recorded on the app for you.

Parent-thats it,normally we go into detail about what they've done.

Char-yes,I know but its currently 6:30pm and we have people we have to get home to.

Parent-what about those two babies,since they're still here I'm entitled to a full handover.

Char-oh,those two babies are two of the staff children so they normally stay after closing time.

Parent-whos children are they.

Char-well due to gdpr,we aren't allowed to tell you.

Parent-which staff members are those childrens parents.

Winter walks in

Sorscha-Charlie,one second,let me do handover with Winter and then we can shut down the room

Char-ok Sorscha

Parent-what what what,so those two babies are Winter's children.


Parent-so that's why you give them special treatment because they're the room leader's children.

Char-no,we don't give them special treatment and sometimes their mum comes to collect them.

Parent-wait,is that Autumn's children.


Parent-so since they're the deputy manager's children,they get more privileges than the other children.

Char-no,these two babies get the same amount of attention as the other babies do and when Winter covers in this room,we don't put them in Winter's group because parents like you will complain that Winter gives more attention to his children than the other babies.same with when Autumn covers and Sorscha.

Parent-what what what.

Char-do I need to call Autumn.

Parent-see you tomorrow,come on you two

The parent runs out the baby room

Winter-well that was something.

Char-that parent was trying to figure who's children these were because they think that our children are more privileged than the other children because their parents work at the nursery.

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