27)Life with Lyla and Rowan

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Winter-im so tired

Aut-how you think I feel,I have to stay up all night to breastfeed these two.

Winter-when one is hungry,one needs a nappy change.its just so much right now.

Aut-geez and I thought being pregnant with twins was the worse thing,turns out its being a parent to one.

Winter-but my love,look how cute they are,you can't be mad at those little faces

Aut-yes I can't but I don't know how we're even functioning now,I'm running off about 2-3 hours of sleep each night.I don't know if it's about time we do bottle feeds and breastfeeds because if we do a bit of both,at least you would be able to do some of the feedings and then that means if one is hungry,they won't take all the milk.

Winter-wasnt Rowan that hungry one night,he had all your milk and Lyla didn't get any,you had to do formula.

Aut-yes,so I think I'm going to start introducing bottle feeds.

Autumn and Winter look at the twins

Aut-i still remember when Avery was this small.

Winter-just look at them,they're so adorable.

Aut-i know,just the sweetest.I just can't believe they're ours now,our children,our daughter and son.

Winter-i thought after you had your last miscarrage,we would never be parents but look at us now,Parents to two beautiful babies.

Aut-i never thought that we would even be parents,they are just so beautiful and just like the promise I made to myself as a child,I will raise my children to have a better childhood then I ever did.

Winter-you do deserve better my love.

Doorbell rings

Winter-now,who could this be now,we don't need visitors.

Aut-i guess I will get the door

Autumn opens the door.


Roger-hello muton chops,why do you look so scruffy,no one In the Kinght family is suppose to look like a poor person

Aut-father how did you find me.

Rog-i have a tracker in all your shoes

Aut-just go already

Rog-no,I need to finish off one more thing,that man of a husband you have needs to stop making me loose money.

Aut-maybe my bat needs to meet your car again,the last one wasn't looking like it was totally destroyed.

Rog-well,let me in.

Aut-no,father I'm a woman in my 30s,married and a mother so your better not enter this house or as me and Reece said to Siobhan,we will call the police.

Rog-oh Autumn,I love those big dreams you have of being a mother but that will never happen,you are a failure and some of those parents were right saying you never carry till full term.After your mom had you,she could never carry a baby till full term.Its your fault that me and your mother couldn't have any more children.

Aut-father,get off my doorstep or I will call the police for trespassing.

Rog-i will never get off your doorstep,you need to stop thinking your so privileged.

Aut-father,isn't that your new car.

Roger has a look at his car

Rog-my car

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