17)Gender reveal day

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6 weeks later

Aves-(talking to herself)today is the big day,I get to find out if my little cousin is a boy or a girl,I'm so excited to find out.My parents,Aunt and Uncle already know the gender but they thought they could reveal it to me in a fun way.

Reece walks in

Reece-who are you talking to Missy

Aves-what do you mean

Reece-you were just asking, what's going on Maely,I know when you talk to yourself,you're very nervous.whats going on

Aves-im a bit nervous because whatever the gender of the baby is is going to change everything. This is something that is going to be with me for the rest of my life.

Reece-i know its hard Avery darling but this is going to be a fresh chapter for everyone in the family and It might bring us closer together.

Aves-cant you just please tell me the gender.

Reece-no,we did promise Aunt Autumn we won't tell you and you just have to wait.

Aves-fine and they doing this for me so I should be thankful for that.

Reece-so,do you thunk the baby is a boy or girl?

Aves-i thinks its a boy but I want it to be a girl.

Reece-ok,before I knew,I thought it was a boy.

Aves-dad,is that a clue?

Reece-nope,its my prediction

Doorbell rings

Reece-that must be Aut and Winter

Downstairs in the lounge

Aut-so,we have everything but there is just one thing we need

Marj-what is it.

Winter-we need to get Avery out the house or contained in a room in order to make this reveal work.

Reece-so,how are going to do this then?

Aut-we are thinking someone has to take her out for maybe a shopping day,get her stuff for the new school year since she is finishing year 9 in a few days.

Reece-i can't believe my youngest is finishing year 9 and will be in year 10 studying for her GCSE.

Aut-big brother,do I need to bruise your shins up if you start getting emotional

Marj-right now we have to figure out how to get Avery out her room so we can even get her out the house.

Aut-we might have to use her bedroom as part of the reveal,we are thinking a scavenger hunt and the gender of her baby is in her room or in the garden.

Marj-well,you two better stay here for the set up and it's either me or Reece who has to drag the teen out her room.

Reece-well,who does Winter and Aut want in the house to help.

Aut-umm,big brother,go get Miss Avery,you are taking her shopping

Reece-wow Aut,well I'll go get the child.

In Avery room

Reece-missy,Your Aunt needs you out the house so she cam set up.

Aves-where are you taking me then?

Reece-im thinking the mall so you choose some stuff for your friends to give them on Friday.

Aves-yeah,I can get stuff for Vicky since it's her last day,I want to get her some presents.

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